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20th Edition of AU Day Prayer Conference Set to Take Place in Accra

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Dr Sumney And Speaker

Mission Africa Incorporated, in collaboration with various partners including the Parliament of Ghana and concerned African American churches, is gearing up for the 20th edition of its annual African Union (AU) Day Prayer Conference.

Scheduled for May 25th, 2024, the event aims to bring together renowned speakers and participants to pray for the prosperity and development of the African continent, particularly Ghana.

Keynote speakers at the conference include the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban S. K. Bagbin, and several esteemed religious leaders and community figures. The event will be held in two parts, with the first segment taking place on Zoom and various social media platforms, while the second part will be a prayer festival held at the forecourt of the Parliament of Ghana in late November 2024.

According to Dr. Kodjoe Sumney, the Founding President of Mission Africa Inc., the theme for the Zoom event is “Solutions for Peaceful Elections, Graduates and Youth Unemployment Evidence for Reparation,” while the November edition will focus on “Peaceful Elections and African economic development …Bringing the gap between the Diaspora Returnees.”

The November edition aims to promote the government’s dual citizenship agenda and facilitate the participation of Ghanaian-American citizens in the upcoming general elections. Mr. Peter Kwesi Terkper, CEO of 3T Aromatic Services Ltd., will chair the November event.

Dr. Kodjoe Sumney encourages full participation from the public in both events, emphasizing the importance of praying for Africa’s prosperity and development. Mission Africa’s advocacy efforts, particularly in the USA, have led to significant returns of people of African origin to Ghana, contributing to the country’s development through investment, humanitarian work, and other initiatives.

Under Dr. Sumney’s leadership, Mission Africa has facilitated the return of over 1200 African Americans, friends, and tourists to Ghana, boosting the country’s tourism industry. The recent decision by renowned African-American artist Steve Wonder to settle in Ghana further highlights the positive impact of Mission Africa’s work.

Mission Africa’s achievements over the last two decades include the establishment of educational institutions, daycare schools, and churches, contributing to the socio-economic development of Ghana and the African continent as a whole.

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