Home News Steve Hanke Criticises Ofori-Atta For Blaming Creditors For Ghana’s Debt Burden

Steve Hanke Criticises Ofori-Atta For Blaming Creditors For Ghana’s Debt Burden

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American economist Steve Hanke has once again outlined the problems plaguing Ghana’s economy and criticised Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta for his poor management of the Ghanaian economy.

In a tweet, Professor Hanke expressed his surprise at Mr. Ofori-Atta’s statement that he was disappointed with the international community’s delayed response to Ghana’s request for a loan from the International Monetary Fund programme.

“As 33 African countries suffer from record debt burden, Ghana’s Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta is disappointed that foreign lenders had been ‘slow to act’. Instead of recognising MISMANAGEMENT, he is blaming CREDITORS for Ghana’s debt burden,” Steve Hanke stated.

The approval of the Paris Club and other creditors is the final requirement for Ghana to qualify for the International Monetary Fund. Creditor negotiations have reportedly improved, although it is unclear when Ghana will receive the go-ahead to obtain the Fund programme.

Read his post below

Source – Tru News Report