Home News Yennyawoso District Holds “Jericho Hour”

Yennyawoso District Holds “Jericho Hour”

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Jericho Hour

The Yennyawoso District of The Church of Pentecost has organised a prayer meeting dubbed: “Jericho Hour,” to quicken the prayer life of members, intercede for the Church, the nation, and the world at large.

The event, being the initiative of the District Minister, Pastor Maxwell Adubofourh Asiedu, which was held only in the morning, that is, from 6am to 8am under the theme: “Let God Arise and His Enemies Be Scattered” – (Psalm 68:1-2), took place from December 4 to 8, 2023, at the Central Assembly auditorium. It was heavily attended by members and non-members of the Church.

Speaking at the opening session, Pastor Adubofourh Asiedu, revealed that “Jericho Hour” prayer meeting has come stay, which according to him, would be held once a month.

Reading from Psalm 68:1-2 and Numbers 10:35, he centered his message on the ark of God. According to him, the ark of God was a symbol of God’s presence among His people.

For this reason, he explained, whenever the ark of God set out, Moses would say: “Arise, Lord! Let your enemies be scattered, and those who hate you flee from your presence,” signifying God’s power and His presence. He stressed that God’s power is incomparable and unparalleled.

Pastor Adubofourh Asiedu narrated the story involving the ark of God and the Philistines in 1 Samuel Chapter 5, where their god, Dagon, was dismembered, with the people afflicted with tumours as a result of the ark to emphasize the power and sovereignty of God.

He said that when the Philistines realised that they could not withstand the power of God, they returned the ark to the Israelites with gold and other valuable items.

“When our God goes forth, no opponent can stand against Him,” he stressed.

The Yennyawoso District Minister admonished the congregants not to embroil themselves in sinful acts in their quest to experience God’s power as such contributed to the defeat of the Israelites by the Philistines, which resulted in the capturing of the ark, saying, “The power and the glory of God cannot be experienced and enjoyed in the midst of sin.”

Pastor Maxwell Adubofourh Asiedu further charged Christians to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in their lives since He (Holy Spirit) represents the ark of God in this dispensation.

After the sermon, he led the congregants into a time of prayer.

The week-long event witnessed a mighty move of the Holy Spirit as many testimonies were recorded.

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