Fear, transient
Yet every second of it, true
Fear all over
Fear no longer there but here
Conquering only happens when new fears found
Fear, baseless
Yet every minute of it, true
Fears in formation they stay far too long
Could shrug, shove, shoo ’em off
An invention of the mind, says I
Yet here, there’s proof
Each day, proof!
Is this mere fear or a total loss of self?
Without self—selfless?
Mad, about-bound, unclad?
Or am I to be sacrificed for truth
This secretive universe
Me, selfless
Gifting the world with truth?
And acceptance of this sacrifice
Would that fantasy, escape, or gift be?
Or is it fatalism?
No enlightenment gifted
Only a punishment meted?
For the search—for this selflessness?
A Job
Punished for what crime he knows not
True fear, transient but true
Fear, no longer here but there
Conquering only happens when new fears found
Fears lost to new fears found
Making fear now both foe and friend
Solution, distraction from this loss of self
After all
Isn’t this fear now true for past distractions scant?