Home News Concern citizens group condemned by Torgbi Vedzesu

Concern citizens group condemned by Torgbi Vedzesu

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Torgbi Kpambi Vedzesu V

Divisional Chief of Teshie-Aflao in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta region, Torgbi Kpambi Vedzesu V, has lashed out at the group calling itself the Concern Citizens of Aflao, asking them to channel their energies to assisting in bringing development to the traditional area.

This follows recent allegations of tyranny and authocratic governance levelled against the Paramount Chief and President of the Aflao Traditional Area, Torgbiga Amenya Fiti V, by the group, which was published by some media outlets.

According to him, the actions of the Concern Citizens group which membership includes some prominent citizens of Aflao like Professor Ernest Dumor, father of late ace broadcaster, Komla Dumor, leaves a lot to be desired.

He said Prof. Dumor and his so called group should rather focus on contributing to the socio-economic advancement of the Aflao Traditional Area instead of engaging in smear campaigns aimed only at tarnishing the name and reputation of the Paramount Chief of Aflao.

“You see, this is not the time people like Professor Dumor and his cohorts should be calling out people and pointing accusing fingers at others – Aflao has come to the point where we must all come on board the development train and work together towards the socio-economic emancipation of our dear traditional area,” he said.

The Teshie-Aflao Divisional Chief questioned the rational behind the investigations claimed to have be carried out by the group and the findings there from, leading to the said allegations.

Torgbi Kpambi Vedzesu wondered why the concern citizens group failed to consult with the traditional council on the issues raised by some aggrieved chiefs of the area before issuing their statement.

He extended a hand of friendship on behalf of the Paramount Chief and President of the Aflao Traditional Council, to the aggrieved parties and the Concern Citizens group for an amicable resolution of the impasse, saying, that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

“What should be on our agenda now is the forward march of our beloved Aflao Traditional Area. All these back and forth will only pull us back as a people and retard our progress – we must come together as one people from a common ancestry, destiny and purpose which are necessary for the transformation of our area,” the divisional chief underscored.

Torgbi Kpambi Vedzesu advised all citizens of Aflao and for that matter the Concern Citizens group to channel any grievances through the appropriate channel to the traditional authority for redress and to refrain from resorting to the media which sometimes does not auger well for the image and reputation of the area.

In a related development, the youth of Aflao have been calling on Professor Ernest Dumor a leading member of the Concern Citizens group to open up his hotel as a way of creating some job opportunities for the teaming unemployed youth of the area.

A youth leader who pleaded anonymity said, Palaclete Hotel in Aflao, which was built by the prominent professor had been left unused for some years now.

He is of the view that, should that hotel be opened for use, that can give employment to a number of youth of the area.

The youth expressed anger at Prof. Dumor for channelling his expertise and knowledge to unproductive ventures instead of engaging in activities that can propel the growth and economic well-being of the people and the youth of his home village.

The youth further advised the concern citizens group to apologize to the Paramount Chief and President of the Aflao Traditional Council, Torgbiga Amenya Fiti V for the allegations against him and the council, in the interest of peace and the stability of the area.

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