By: Nana Ama Gyapong
It was mixed feelings for many Ghanaians on the 24th of December, 2023 when Afua Asantewaa began her attempt to break the longest singing marathon, which is recognised by the Guinness World Records.
Many Ghanaians were in doubt that she would go far, others questioned why she would take up such a challenge whilst others saw that as an opportunity to support their own regardless of the outcome.
When she began, she had online coaches telling her to just sing and not move around else she will get tired easily. Little did they know that there are twenty six trained medical staff who have dedicated themselves to ensure that Asantewaa is fine, fit and strong to break the record.
There were times she had cracks in her voice, she choked a little, some key notes were high and she had to strain her vocal cords to get it right. She had no sleep at all and mostly took in glucose to keep her fit.
Some Ghanaians saw all these as stress and took to social media to ask her to quit whilst others chose to support her by cheering her on at the venue of the event, Akwaaba village which was set up by the Ghana Tourism Authority.

A loud cheer from the audience mostly took place when she was seen to be falling off or straining her voice.
The crowd gathered infront of her whilst singing and dancing to the great Ghanaian tunes that played. The screams and joy on the faces of the crowd is seen as a source of strength to her as it gives her the energy to sing some more.
So far Asantewaa has performed hit songs from top female musicians, namely Becca, Adina, Wendy Shay, Sefa, Sista Afia and the late Ebony Reigns, others.
Stay with LifeStyleTv and for more Singathon updates.