Home News Dr. Clement Apaak Provides Trips of Gravels Worth Ghc11,200 to Fill Potholes...

Dr. Clement Apaak Provides Trips of Gravels Worth Ghc11,200 to Fill Potholes In Constituency | Politics

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Hon. Dr. Clement Apaak, Member of Parliament for Builsa South Constituency and a member of the Public Accounts Committee of Ghana’s parliament has provided several trips of gravels at a cost of Ghc11, 200.00 to fill the large potholes on the Fumbisi Senior High School Road and Town Wiesi Road.

These portholes, according to the Deputy Communications officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Builsa South Constituency, was created through the recklessness of government’s refusal to pay the contractor, MYTURN LTD to fix the deplorable situation on the Fumbisi Senior High School Road and Town Wiesi Road.

The Builsa South Constituency chairman Mr. Caesar Akinkang together with the Assemblyman for the electoral Area, Mr. Henry Ayeng on Wednesday, joined the youth to fill the dangerous and life-threatening potholes.

Addressing the youth after the activity, Chairman Akinkang thanked the youth for making time to contribute to the development of the area and admonished them to continue to lend their support to the MP anytime there are such communal activities.

Chairman Akinkang reiterated how the MP wished all roads in the Constituency were constructed, adding that the MP himself is frustrated with the manner in which the Akuffo Addo government has failed the people of Builsa South after he had promised them roads in two months during the 2020 campaign season.

Chairman Caesar has, however, assured the electorates of Builsa South that the roads will be constructed should John Mahama win the upcoming December 7 elections.

Akogtu Daniel

Deputy Communication Officer

Builsa South

Source: Kobina Darlington/peacefmonline.com



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