Home News EC Sets Date For Tie-Breaking District Assembly Elections | Elections

EC Sets Date For Tie-Breaking District Assembly Elections | Elections

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The Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) has announced that tie-breaking elections will be held on January 9, 2024, to resolve the identical vote count issue that occurred during the District Level Elections held on December 19, 2023.

The tie-breaking elections will take place at the polling stations where the ties in votes were recorded.

In a press release signed by the Acting Head of Public Affairs, Michael Boadu, the EC stated that 20 Electoral Areas for Assembly Members and 41 Electoral Areas for Unit Committee Members across the country had produced the same results for the contestants.

As a result, the run-off elections have been deemed necessary in order to determine the winners in these specific Electoral Areas.

According to the Electoral Commission, the decision to conduct tie-breaking elections is in accordance with the District Level Elections Regulations of 2015 (C.I. 89).

The regulations state that in the event of a tie, a run-off election must be conducted to break the deadlock and determine the winner.

The District Level Elections, which took place on December 19 to elect assembly members and unit committee members, saw a disappointingly low turnout.

However, it appears that in some instances, candidates received an equal number of votes, prompting the need for additional voting to decide the winners.

The EC’s announcement has sparked both curiosity and anticipation among the affected candidates and their supporters.

With the tie-breaking elections scheduled to take place at all polling stations where ties were recorded, voters in these specific Electoral Areas will have another opportunity to cast their ballots and potentially influence the outcome.

As the nation gears up for the upcoming tie-breaking elections, all candidates and voters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the electoral regulations and engage in peaceful and fair campaigning. The Electoral Commission remains committed to ensuring a transparent and democratic process in resolving the tied results and determining the winners in the affected Electoral Areas.

Source: dailyguidenetwork.com



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