Home Business Fanmilk is Passionate about a Greener Future

Fanmilk is Passionate about a Greener Future

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At FanMilk, in line with our One Planet, One Health vision and productivity,we believe that the health of our planet is intrinsic to the health of our communities and businesses.

As a leading producer of nutritious dairy products, we recognize that our operations impact the environment, and we are committed to minimizing this impact through comprehensive environmental conservation efforts.

FanMilk has integrated sustainability into every aspect of our business. From sourcing raw materials to manufacturing and distribution, we strive to adopt eco-friendly practices that contribute to the preservation of our environment. Here are some of the key initiatives we have undertaken:

Reducing Carbon Footprint

FanMilk is dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions across our operations. We have implemented energy-efficient technologies in our production facilities and are transitioning to renewable energy sources. Our logistics network is optimized to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, helping us move towards a carbon-neutral footprint.
Biomass Boiler :In response to the high cost of fuel, FanMilk has installed a multi-fuel biomass boiler that utilizes palm kernel shells or wooden chips to meet our steaming requirement of 1,800 kg/h. This initiative not only provides significant operational savings of $528.1k USD annually compared to diesel but also has substantial social and environmental benefits. By turning waste materials into effective fuel,we reduce our carbon footprint by an emission factor of 2,513 T C02 eq per annum. Moreover,this project creates job
opportunities for the team managing the boiler and those supplyingthe palm kernel shells.

Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource, and its conservation is critical to our sustainability goals. We have instituted water-saving measures throughout our production processes and invest in technologies that reduce water usage. Additionally, we treat and recycle wastewater to minimize our impact on local water bodies.

Wastewater Management: Our wastewater from factory processes is thoroughly treated before being released into the Korie River.This water is also utilized for a fishpond where fish thrive, demonstrating our commitment to environmental stewardship. Our 1,100 m3/day treatment plant meets not only Ghana’s environmental standards but also the stricter global standards set by Danone.

This facility came into full operation following the validation of all performance tests, ensuringwe maintain the highest levels of environmental compliance.











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