Home News Ghana Military Academy “Intake 15” @50! Golden Jubilee Celebration | Features

Ghana Military Academy “Intake 15” @50! Golden Jubilee Celebration | Features

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In further obedience to Nana’s “edict” that, I educate Ghanaians about the Ghana Armed Forces, the searchlight today will be on Ghana Military Academy(GMA) Intake 15 and their Short Service Commission/Special Duties counterparts. What does that mean?

Following Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghanaianisation policy after independence in 1957, Ghana started training and commissioning her own officers with Canadian assistance from March 1960.

The first batch, Intake 1 was commissioned eighteen months later in September 1961. Hitherto, after an initial period of ab initio training in Ghana, Ghanaian cadets and their West African counterparts from Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Gambia were sent to the United Kingdom to continue their training.

On Sunday, 23rd July 2023, the 15th intake of officers to be commissioned into the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their commission which took place on 21st July 1973.

Background – GSTS

Intake 15 started in September/October 1970 as the Regular-Officers-Training-Scheme (ROTS). The brainchild of the CDS at the time Air Marshal MA Otu, the Scheme was intended to be modelled on Gourdonstoun School in Scotland, UK which royals like the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip and his son King Charles III attended. Academics aside, students of Gordonstoun were imbued with discipline and tough military training like mountaineering and seafaring.

To this end, thirty-nine boys from schools all over Ghana who had just successfully passed their GCE “O” Level, were selected and sponsored by the GAF to do a two-year Sixth form course for their Advance Level at the Ghana Secondary Technical School (GSTS), Takoradi from 1970 – 1972. Air-Marshal Otu’s grand plan was to convert GSTS into a military school which among others, would feed the GAF with disciplined future officers. The sponsorship was to continue to university level.

Unfortunately, the 1972 coup marked the end of the scheme. Intake 15 was thus the only intake which benefitted from the Regular Officers Training Scheme. Officially, it was the first batch of “A” Level cadets that entered GMA, an upgrade of the previous entry requirement of “O” Level.


Commissioned on 21st July 1973, Intake 15 was the first intake to produce seven Brigadier-Generals in one day in 2003, thirty years after commission. It has produced a CDS, Service Chiefs/Commanders and Commandants. It also produced the first PhD holder in the GAF in 1977, as well a Director, Ghana Law School and a Deputy DG, National-Communication-Authority.  

Other high profile appointments members of Intake 15 have held include a National Security Adviser, an Ambassador/High Commissioner, a Military Adviser to a former President of Ghana, a UN Presidential Senior-Military-Adviser, as well as Ghana’s first Military Adviser (MILAD) at the Permanent Mission of Ghana to the UN, New York.

Others have held Senior Staff appointments at the UN and AU. It has also produced Deputy UN Force Commanders, Deputy Commandants for the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College(GAFCSC), Military Academy and Training Schools (MATS) and the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). Additionally, it has produced DefenceAttaches/Advisers.

It has also produced authors/writers. In retirement, Intake 15 continues to make invaluable contributions to national development and play the role of role models for the younger generation of GAF.


On Sunday 23rd July 2023, officers of Intake 15 and their Short Service Commission counterparts and spouses attended a Thanksgiving Service at their alma mater, the Ghana Military Academy. The sermon “50 years of Dedicated Service to God and Country”was delivered by His Eminence Col (Rev) JK Otoo(Rtd), a former Chaplain-General/Director-General, Religious Affairs of the GAF.

During the Service, Intake 15 presented fifty thousand cedis as “seed money,” and books authored by the two Intake authors, Brig Gen Dan Frimpong (Rtd), former Commandant of the Ghana Military Academy, and Major George Sarpong (Rtd), former Director Ghana Law School, as “seed books” for the stocking of GMA’s new library.  

In his address, the Guest-of-Honour, the Chief-of-the-Defence-Staff (CDS) Vice-Admiral Seth Amoama narrated how he had had the privilege of learning from individual members of Intake 15 throughout his career starting from his days as a cadet in 1981. He added that the solid foundation given him by his instructors of Intake 15 contributed immensely to his subsequent performances on courses overseas, and what he has ultimately become. He congratulated and thanked the Intake for their outstanding leadership and dedicated service to Ghana and the world.

The CDS also approved of the new library for the Academy being named “Intake 15 Library.”

The service was followed by interaction with the cadets and then lunch with Staff and cadets of the Academy.


Sunday, 23rd July 2023 was a joyous day as Ghana’s 15th Intake of commissioned officers joined staff and cadets of GMA to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their commission, with the CDS as the Guest-of-Honour. The cadets were reminded by the president of Intake 15, Brig Gen George Adjei (Rtd) to always remember the qualities of loyalty to Ghana, and courage to lead their men. He emphasized the need for them to be physically fit as officers. He also advised them to read voraciously to acquire more knowledge. Underpinning all this, he reminded the cadets of the quality of Integrity, without which one cannot be a good officer/leader!

In his Vote of Thanks, the Commandant of GMA Maj-Gen Charles Awity stated that, like the CDS, he owes his success to members of Intake 15 he had asinstructors when he entered GMA in 1984. He thanked Intake 15 immensely for their decision to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary with cadets to share their vast experience, and also for providing “seed money” and books by Intake authors for GMA’s new library in their new buildings.

Leadership, LEAD! Fellow Ghanaians, WAKE UP!

Brig Gen Dan Frimpong (Rtd)

Former CEO, African Peace Support Trainers Association

Nairobi, Kenya

​Council Chairman

Family Health University College


[email protected]



Source: Brig Gen Dan Frimpong (Rtd)



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