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“GIZ And CTVET Advocate For Industry Involvement To Shape Ghana’s TVET Landscape” | Education

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The Commission of Technical Vocational Education and The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) have emphasized the need for continuous collaboration and industry involvement in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to shape the future of skills development in Ghana.

They stressed that partnerships between government, industry, and development partners are crucial for transforming the TVET system and ensuring that training programs meet the evolving needs of the labour market.

Speaking at a media engagement at Kumasi Technical University (KsTU), Mr. Michael Andivi Naah, a Technical Advisor with GIZ, highlighted the importance of industry engagement in the TVET landscape for development.

The event, organized by the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) in collaboration with GIZ and KsTU, under the Pact for Skills: Support to the Transformation of the TVET System in Ghana, co-financed by the European Union, served as a platform to emphasize the significance of Sector Skills Bodies (SSBs) in shaping a skilled and responsive workforce.

Mr. Naah emphasized the integration of industry insights into curriculum development and providing hands-on training opportunities to shape the next generation of skilled professionals.

He stated that this symbiotic relationship not only ensures that graduates possess the requisite skills for employment but also enables industries to address their workforce needs efficiently.

The Director-General of CTVET, Dr. Fred Kyei Asamoah, stressed the importance of industry involvement from the start of skills training and development to improve the quality and success of TVET implementation.

He called on the private sector and industry players to become key drivers of TVET in Ghana, highlighting that a sectoral approach to skills development allows industry stakeholders to collectively develop solutions to skills challenges.

The Vice-Chancellor of Kumasi Technical University, Prof. Gabriel Dwomoh, welcomed the establishment and development of Sector Skills Bodies as beneficial for educational institutions, particularly for Technical Universities that rely heavily on the industrial sector.

He believed that the event would have a significant impact on transforming TVET for accelerated development and guaranteed employability in the country.

Operating under the Commission for TVET, the SSBs consist of related industries coming together to drive growth and competitiveness by focusing on business opportunities, innovation, and capacity needs.

Their key mandates include reducing skills gaps, improving productivity, increasing employability, and promoting creativity and sustainable development through research.

Source: Peacefmonline



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