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“I was scared” – Vivian Jill finally goes deep into why she refused to kiss Sumsum Ahuofe on set

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Award-winning Ghanaian Kumawood actress, Vivian Jill Lawrence has finally made a candid revelation as to why she refused to kiss her colleague industry person Sumsum Ahuofe on set some years ago.

Recall that a few years ago, Vivian Jill, whose name commands massive respect in the showbiz circles came under severe criticism for refusing to kiss Sumsum Ahuofe.

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Well, clearing the air and setting the records straight once and for all, Vivian Jill in a recent interview averred that she was still new in the movie industry and hadn’t seen people of his kind before.

According to her, she was scared when she set eyes on him with people who looked like him (dwarfism).

As a result, when she was asked to kiss him in a movie scene she refused.

She was quick to however state that if asked to kiss him presently, she would do it without hesitation.

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Meanwhile, Sumsum Ahuofe claims to be the most handsome Kumawood actor at the moment.

In a recent interview on Adom FM, Sumsum Ahuofe proclaimed that he’s more handsome than John Dumelo.

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