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I will do all it takes to resolve Wenchi chieftaincy dispute – Dormaahene

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The Dormaahene who doubles as the president of the Bono Regional House of Chiefs, Osagyefo Oseadeeyo Dr Agyeman Badu II, has assured the people of Wenchi that he will resolve the chieftaincy dispute that has been ongoing in the area.

This announcement was made at the coronation and fifth anniversary of Osagyefo Ampem Anye Amoapong Tabrako III as Wenchimanhene.

The coronation and fifth anniversary ceremony of Osagyefo Ampem Anye Amoapong Tabrako III as Wenchimanhene was a colorful and lively event, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.
Dignitaries, chiefs, and community members gathered to celebrate this significant occasion and express their support for the newly appointed Wenchimanhene.

The Dormaahene addressed the crowd at the event, emphasizing the importance of peace and unity in the community. He acknowledged the chieftaincy dispute that has been causing tensions in Wenchi and promised to work towards finding a resolution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

“I pledge to the people of Wenchi as well as the entire people of Bono that from what I’ve observed today, I will personally visit the aggrieved families to have an interaction with them to know their concerns for me to be able to settle this matter amicably.”

The Dormaahene also pleaded with the opposition and aggrieved royal families, thus, the ‘Dr. J. A. Busia family’ to be considerate in their actions and that they are great rolmodels in Ghana because they have brought glory Bono.

However, Osagyefo Oseadeeyo Dr Agyeman Badu II, called the kingmakers to solidly rally behind him with all the necessary support to enable him effectively rule Wenchi.

On his part the Wenchimanhene, Osagyefo Ampem Anye Amoapong Tabrako III, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the kingmakers of Wenchi for believing in him and enthroned him as the Paramount Chief of the Wenchi traditional area.

Osagyefo Ampem Anye Amoapong Tabrako III, made a clarion call on all citizens of Wenchi especially those are out of the town and in the diaspora to come back home and help him bring development in the community.

“I know that development has eluded us but it is not too late, God’s time is the best. I beg you all to join heads with me and support me with love for a new Wenchi to be realized.”

By Claude Kumi Abisa, Wenchi Bono region.

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