Home News Selective Special Recommendation Promotions Hit Ghana Police Service

Selective Special Recommendation Promotions Hit Ghana Police Service

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…Senior Officers Demand Scrutiny To Restore Fairness, Equity

Information trickling from the police headquarters points to a selective special recommendation promotion being planned by the Inspector General of Police (IGP), George Akuffo Dampare, which will have a severe negative impact on the morale of officers and create unnecessary tension in the Ghana police service.

This paper can state that the Ghana Police Service is facing a crisis of morale and tension, fueled by the alleged selective and discriminatory promotion practices of the IGP.

Since assuming leadership in July 2021, it has been alleged that IGP Dampare has unilaterally made decisions that favor his cronies and sycophants, bypassing seniority and merit.

This has resulted in juniors occupying higher positions, while deserving seniors are overlooked.
The already held Police Council meeting on May 6th, 2024, was expected to rubber-stamp more of such ‘dubious’ promotions, further exacerbating the situation.

Senior officers peeved at the situation believe these promotions must be scrutinized and accountability be demanded to restore fairness and equity in the police service.

Discriminatory Promotions:
Since July 2021 when IGP Dampare took cover the leadership of the Ghana Police Service his regime has been bedeviled with a whole lot of controversy in terms of promotion and other decisions he takes unilaterally which is creating unnecessary animosity and lowering of morale within the rank and file of the service.

It is believed that no IGP in the history of Ghana has handled the police service as if it is his private property like him.
In the Ghana Police Service today, juniors are occupying higher positions at the expense of their seniors.
A number of personnel have been due for promotion but have been neglected while their juniors who are considered IGP Dampare’s favorites are being awarded special recommendation and promoted above them; this paper has gathered.

Information is that this continues to create tension and lowering morale and if care is not taken, will seriously affect the current government.

Rumors have it that Monday, 6th May, 2024, the Police Council was expected to sit over some promotions that IGP Dampare has single-handedly prepared and decided.

Majority of them are not due, yet, he is bent on going ahead to create more tension and disaffection.
These ‘dubious promotions’ have been lined up for the Police Council to approve.

“We believe this should be properly scrutinized and queried. We urge the Council members to call for the personal files of these officers to unravel the rot and dishonesty being perpetrated by IGP Dampare,” a senior officer said on anonymity.
This paper has however gathered that the underlisted Assistant Commissioners have been earmarked for promotion to Deputy Commissioners:
• Oduro Amaning
• Benjamin Osei Addae
• Samuel Amissah*
• Raymond Wejong Ali Adofiem
• George Bossman Ohene-Boadi
• Frederick Kofi Blagodzi
• Frank Abrokwa
• Jude Cobbina
• Cosmos Alan Anyan
• George Aknomah
• Shaibu Abubakar Sadique
• Alex Acquah
• James Annor

And, apart from the first two above, Oduro Amaning and Benjamin Osei Addae, the rest are not due.
Some of them got their promotions not even up to three years; the IGP has appointed them as Regional Commanders while their seniors have been posted to obscure and unpleasant places unfit for their ranks.

It has been alleged that IGP Dampare’s agenda now is to promote them ahead of their seniors to consolidate their illicit appointment and to also spite their seniors since he (Dampare) has no regard for seniority.

“As long as he does not like you, he will promote your juniors ahead of you. Today, there are ACPs with unblemished record who have remained on their rank for close to 8years. They are being denied simply because they are in the bad books of IGP Dampare. Why should this be happening? We challenge the Council to investigate this matter to the latter. IGP Dampare is destroying the GPS and the earlier he is given the marching orders, the better would it be for this government. This is a very diabolic and dangerous move that will further exacerbate the already boiling tension in the police service,” another officer said.

Also, the underlisted Chief Superintendents have been identified to be promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner.
The reason for their promotion is just one reason.

He was bringing only one person to be promoted but because he realized there will be question, he added the rest.
The last person, Saviour Ahiamadi has already had one special recommendation under IGP Damapre and is being recommended again. This raised serious questions within the service because according to information, Saviour Ahiamadi is not due and does not qualify for another special recommendation. Below is the list:
• Asare Bediako
• Peter Lenox Aidoo
• Afriyie Ameyaw
• William Sedoame
• Stephen Boadu
• Daniel Ohene-Djan
• Wilson Nkrumah Kudze
• Sampson Kofi Agbeko
• Eric Asiedu Asamoah
• Huseini Musah Awinaba
• Eunice Annor (Ms)
• Ebenezer Ewudzie Sackey
• Emmanuel Donkor Baah
• Cephas Arthur
• Emmanuel Lawson Lartey
• Anthony Fredua Agyemang
• Robert Kobil
• Evelyn Edem Aku Agbitor (Ms)
• Reindorf Magnus Sam
• Caesar Afeghera Abanga
• William Asante
• Susana Adjei Mensah (Ms)
• Christopher Quarcoe
• Ernest Sistus Fosu
• Richard Anaba Salifu
• Elizabeth Viney (Ms)
• Agnes Borden (Ms)
• Daniel Amoako
• Cecelia Zoworn Arko (Ms)
• Ishaq Ibrahim
• Kwame Tawiah Jnr*
• Raymond Erzuah
• Saviour Ahiamadi* (He is not due.

Another serious problem revealed is that, the underlisted Superintendents who have been shortlisted to be promoted to the rank of Chief Superintendent:
• Adu Acheampong Agyemang
• Thomas Oti Prempeh*
• Edmund Agyemang Badu*
• Augustine Offei*
• Sylvester Quansah Asare*
• Edward Obeng Boateng

Apart from Adu Acheampong Agyemeng who is properly due, the rest are not. Oti Prempeh was promoted on special grounds ahead of two different senior courses before him in January 2023. This generated serious tension.
“On what basis is he going to be promoted again less than two years on special grounds ahead of other seniors of him? This is disastrous and shouldn’t happen. Edmund Agyemang Badu and Augustine Offei were given special recommendation less than two years ago and so why another special recommendation? Is it because they are known puppets of him? Proper investigation should be instituted to explain the reason behind this.”

Sylvester Quansah Asare was ASP when Dampare was appointed IGP on 1st August, 2021 and in 2022, he was promoted on special grounds twice from Assistant Superintendent to Superintendent.
His case generated a lot of uproar because of the way he jumped over his seniors who were over 15years ahead of him.
For inexplicable reasons, he has been shortlisted to be promoted to Chief Superintendent, representing his third special promotion under Dampare.
Meanwhile, IGP Damapre has introduced his own philosophy of command and control as he has surreptitiously thrown all seniors out of Accra as well as other sensitive portfolio and using ASPs, most of whom are incompetent and lack the requisite knowledge to command.
Juniors are occupying strategic positions while some very competent and hard-working seniors have been thrown to the hinterlands to the amazement of a number of personnel.

Some Assistant Commissioners, Assistant Commissioner Francis Tsidi, Joshua Corpson, Abraham Acquaye, Wisdom Lavoe, Yoa Dogbey Tetegah, Obed Dzikunu, Oduro Amaning, William Kofi Donkor, Herbert Gustav Yankson and Benjamin Osei Addae are seniors who were neglected and abandoned by the IGP George Dampare in the first promotion last year 2023.

On the aspect of Assistant Superintendent of police to Deputy Superintendent of police, apart from members of course 49 who are due for their next promotion. No member of course 50,51 and 52 is due and even qualified for either their next promotion or on a special recommendation as we understand he has picked some members of the above-mentioned courses who he perceives to be on his side (his cronies and sycophants) to be promoted to their next ranks.

Clarifications on the above-mentioned courses.
Members of course 50 are now getting to three year’s on their ranks, members of Course 51 are also now getting to two years on their ranks by November 25th 2024 and as for members of course 52 they are just 6 months on their ranks.

Dr. Sellas Debrah is once again being considered for a special recommendation, this time from Superintendent to Chief Superintendent, for the second time in just two years.

Having joined the police service in 2020 as a medical doctor, Dr. Debrah was given a special recommendation to his current rank after IGP Dampare took office and transferred him from the police hospital to Operations.

It is concerning that Dr. Debrah, along with others, is being considered for yet another special recommendation, as this raises questions about fairness and equity in promotions.

Furthermore, intelligence received is that, ASP Bernard Owusu member of police academy course 51, who has been linked and known by many police officers for his involvement in numerous extrajudicial executions with the IGP, is also on the list for promotion, along with ASP Malaika Alhassan, member of police academy course C50 at the National Operations Department, ASP Emmanuel Okyere, and many other selected officers of the above mentioned respectively courses secret promotions the IGP has been doing.

Senior officers have listed some issues they believe have been killing the morale in the service these include:
• The use of targeted transfers at officers deemed not to be in his good books;
• Abuse of authority, divide-and-rule, intimidation, vindictiveness, and tyrannical rule
• Media blackout on real happenings in the service
• Gagging of personnel
• Discrimination in placement and promotion
• Distortions in command and control
• Fraudulent Police Academy intake: Juniors chosen ahead of seniors under bizarre circumstances, etc.

It is evident that the Ghana Police Service is at a crossroads, threatened by the destructive leadership of IGP Dampare.
His regime has perpetuated a culture of favouritism, discrimination, and tyranny, eroded morale and creating tension.
It is crucial that we take immediate action to address these issues, starting with a thorough investigation into the questionable promotions and a review of the promotion process.

We must also hold IGP Dampare accountable for his actions and ensure that the police service is led with integrity, transparency, and fairness. The future of our police service and the well-being of our nation depend on it.

The members of the Ghana police service want the Vice President who is the chairman of the Police Council who always chair the senior officers’ promotion to know that, the current IGP Dampare failed to use the existing structures in place, that since his assumption of duty promoting juniors over seniors which culminating gross indiscipline and dampen the moral of the police personnel for which if not check and corrected, the end result will be borne by the members of the society.

The members of the Police Service said they have confidence in the current Interior Minister, Hon Henry Quartey and urged him on to write the wrong of George Akuffo Dampare to bring the moral back by means of due diligent of whatever promotion he brings up to be considered
“We urge the authorities to conduct a thorough scrutiny and due diligence, including requesting for the files of these individuals as well as those the IGP will secretly add for this targeted promotion. This is necessary to ensure transparency and accountability in the process and to also ensure compliance with regards to special recommendation promotion procedures outlined under regulations 37 of C.I 76 and Paragraph 4 of Part Two of The Police Policy Guidelines of 2006,” they indicated.

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