Home Business Sunlodge Hotel: 50 years of excellence in hospitality

Sunlodge Hotel: 50 years of excellence in hospitality

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“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

In the heart of Tesano, Accra, stands a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and adaptability in the hospitality industry. Sunlodge Hotel, an indigenous Ghanaian establishment, is celebrating its golden jubilee – marking 50 years of service, growth, and unwavering commitment to Ghanaian hospitality.

From its modest start as a 12-room, one-star hotel to its current status as a 50-room, two-star deluxe establishment, Sunlodge’s journey mirrors the evolution of Ghana’s hospitality sector and serves as an inspiring case study in business resilience and strategic growth.

The early days: Planting the seeds

In 1974, when Sunlodge first opened its doors, Accra’s hospitality landscape was immensely different from what it is today. The city was just beginning to emerge as a hub for business and tourism in West Africa, and the demand for quality accommodation was on the rise. Sunlodge’s founders saw an opportunity to cater to this growing market with a uniquely Ghanaian touch.

“When we started, we had a simple vision – to offer comfortable accommodation with a true taste of Ghanaian hospitality,” recalls Mr. Joseph Daniel Derkyi, the current General Manager who has been with Sunlodge for 25 years. “Our 12 rooms and single conference room might seem modest by today’s standards, but back then, it was a significant undertaking.”

The early years were not without challenges. Limited facilities, outdated infrastructure, and economic constraints were constant hurdles. Despite these challenges, Sunlodge quickly gained a reputation for its warm service and excellent food – elements that would become cornerstones of its brand identity.

Strategic growth: Expanding with purpose

As Accra’s hospitality needs evolved, so did Sunlodge. The hotel embarked on a journey of strategic expansion, carefully balancing growth with financial prudence. This approach was guided by a deep understanding of their market and a commitment to maintaining the quality of their core offerings.

Mrs. Jacquie Obeng-Ansong, a Director, joined the company during this crucial phase of growth. “When I came on board, we were at a crossroads,” she explains. “We knew we needed to expand, but we also knew that rapid, uncontrolled growth could compromise the very things that made Sunlodge special.”

The expansion strategy was multi-faceted, focusing on phased room expansion, conference facilities development, diversification of services, technological upgrades, and staff development. Sunlodge grew from 12 rooms to 27, and eventually to the current 50 rooms, with each phase carefully planned to maintain service standards while accommodating more guests. The hotel gradually expanded its conference facilities, starting by creatively using the restaurant as a makeshift conference room and eventually offering six state-of-the-art conference facilities.

To create a complete experience for guests, Sunlodge added two restaurants, indoor and outdoor bars, a gym, and a salon. With each expansion phase, the hotel invested in modernizing its infrastructure, from room amenities to booking systems. As the hotel grew, so did its workforce, and Sunlodge implemented comprehensive training programmes to ensure that its expanding team maintained the high standards of service that had become synonymous with the Sunlodge brand.

Navigating challenges

Sunlodge’s growth journey was not without its obstacles. The hotel faced periods of economic instability, changing market dynamics, and fierce competition from international hotel chains entering the Ghanaian market. A particularly challenging period came in the late 1990s when a long-standing client informed the hotel that they would no longer be staying due to outdated facilities.

This feedback spurred a significant renovation and upgrade project. The hotel secured its first major financial facility of 8,000 cedis to kickstart the improvements. “It was a risk,” admits Mr. Derkyi, “but a calculated one. We knew we had to evolve or risk becoming obsolete.”

Pivoting around COVID-19

The global COVID-19 pandemic presented an unprecedented challenge to the hospitality industry worldwide, but Sunlodge saw the crisis as an opportunity for innovation. The hotel implemented enhanced safety measures, invested in digital transformation, launched new service lines, upgraded conference facilities to support virtual meetings, and introduced staff welfare programmes.

“The pandemic forced us to diversify in ways we hadn’t considered before,” says Mrs. Obeng-Ansong “Some of these new services, like our food delivery, have become permanent offerings due to their success.”

Maintaining a unique Ghanaian identity

Throughout its 50-year journey of expansion and modernization, Sunlodge Hotel has masterfully preserved its unique Ghanaian identity, setting it apart in an increasingly globalized hospitality landscape. This commitment to authenticity has not only been a key factor in the hotel’s success but has also positioned Sunlodge as a proud ambassador of Ghanaian culture to both local and international guests.

At the heart of Sunlodge’s identity is its unwavering dedication to authentic Ghanaian hospitality. “Our approach to service is deeply rooted in Ghanaian traditions of warmth and generosity,” explains Mrs. Obeng-Ansong. “We’ve always believed that while amenities can be replicated, true hospitality comes from the heart, and that’s something uniquely Ghanaian that we’ve nurtured over the years.”

This commitment to Ghanaian hospitality is evident in the hotel’s staff training programmes. New employees are not only taught industry standards but are also immersed in the nuances of Ghanaian cultural etiquette and customs. “We want our staff to be ambassadors of Ghanaian culture,” says Mr. Derkyi. “Whether it’s greeting guests with a warm ‘Akwaaba’ or explaining the significance of a traditional dish, our team embodies the spirit of Ghana.”

Culinary excellence with a strong focus on local flavors has been another cornerstone of Sunlodge’s identity. The hotel’s restaurants have become known for their delicious interpretations of traditional Ghanaian dishes, as well as fusion cuisines that incorporate local ingredients. The hotel’s culinary team regularly collaborates with local farmers and suppliers, ensuring that the freshest local ingredients make their way into Sunlodge’s kitchens.

Sunlodge’s commitment to its Ghanaian roots is also reflected in its physical space. As the hotel expanded, careful consideration was given to incorporating elements of Ghanaian art and design. From the kente cloth accents in the lobby to the adinkra symbols subtly woven into room decor, every corner of Sunlodge tells a story of Ghana’s rich cultural heritage.

This balance between tradition and modernity is perhaps best exemplified in Sunlodge’s approach to technology and amenities. While the hotel has embraced modern conveniences like high-speed internet and state-of-the-art conference facilities, these are seamlessly integrated with traditional Ghanaian elements. For instance, the hotel’s mobile app, which allows for easy bookings and check-ins, also includes a feature that teaches guests basic Twi phrases and introduces them to Ghanaian customs.

Community engagement has played a crucial role in maintaining Sunlodge’s Ghanaian identity. The hotel has established strong relationships with local businesses, artists, and cultural institutions. Regular cultural nights, featuring traditional music and dance performances, not only entertain guests but also provide a platform for local artists to showcase their talents.

Moreover, Sunlodge has taken steps to preserve and promote Ghanaian culture beyond its walls. The hotel sponsors local cultural festivals, supports educational programmes about Ghanaian heritage, and even offers guided tours to nearby historical sites and markets.

“We see ourselves as more than just a hotel,” says Mrs. Obeng-Ansong. “We’re custodians of Ghanaian hospitality and culture. It’s a responsibility we take very seriously.”

The next 50 years

As Sunlodge celebrates its 50th anniversary, the management team is already looking to the future. Plans are underway for further expansion, including the possibility of managing properties in other regions of Ghana. The hotel is also investing in sustainability initiatives, recognizing the growing importance of eco-friendly practices in the hospitality industry.

As Sunlodge looks to the future, maintaining this delicate balance between growth and cultural authenticity remains a top priority. Plans for expansion include the development of a cultural centre within the hotel premises, which will offer workshops on Ghanaian art, music, and cuisine to guests and locals alike.

“Our vision for the next 50 years is to continue growing and evolving, but always with our Ghanaian heart at the centre of everything we do,” Mr. Derkyi affirms. “We want to show the world that it’s possible to offer world-class hospitality while staying true to your roots.”

A legacy of hospitality

As Sunlodge Hotel marks its golden jubilee, it stands as more than just a successful business. It is a testament to the potential of indigenous Ghanaian enterprises, a chronicle of the country’s economic journey, and a beacon of hospitality excellence in West Africa. From its humble beginnings to its current status, Sunlodge’s story is one of resilience, strategic growth, and unwavering commitment to service excellence, serving as an inspiration to all Ghanaian businesses aspiring to grow and thrive in a competitive global market.

As guests from around the globe continue to seek authentic, culturally rich experiences, Sunlodge Hotel is well-positioned to meet this demand. Its journey over the past 50 years demonstrates that growth and authenticity can go hand-in-hand, creating a hospitality experience that is both world-class and uniquely Ghanaian.

By Innocent Samuel Appiah

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