Home News Thousands Join The Great Walk Of Atiwa East Independent Parliamentary Candidate In...

Thousands Join The Great Walk Of Atiwa East Independent Parliamentary Candidate In Anyinam

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On Sunday January 28, 2024 the streets of Anyinam, Moseaso, Asaman Tamfoe and Ankaase all in the Atiwa East Constituency of the Eastern Region saw perhaps the biggest health walk in the constituencies history dubbed: “The Great Walk in contemporary times.

Several thousands of men and women of all ages from different ethnic and religious backgrounds walked on the streets of Anyinam and the other towns

In exercising their limbs, the Great walk doubled as the official public maiden event of Nana Adjei Kyerema the Independent Candidate. Interestingly the Great Walk with Nana Adjei Kyerema which overwhelmingly lived up to it’s billing and hype took place just a day after the New patriotic party went to the polls to retain the 3 term incumbent MP of the constituency.

The overwhelming show up of the constituents signaled the sentiments of the people and affection for Nana Adjei Kyerema, the Independent Candidate. Expressing themselves heartily, the constituents intimated that they are ever ready to vote massively for him to win Atiwa East Constituency parliamentary seat in the 2024 general election to imprint

Nana Adjei Kyerema is the Founder of Nana Adjei Kyerema Foundation who is the grassroot person in the area, and many people declared their unflinching support for his bid to win the seat as the independent candidate in the 2024.

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Nana Adjei Kyerema has officially declared
his interest in contesting as the Atiwa East parliamentary candidate as an independent candidate and the mammoth crowd at the walk shows how people in the various electoral areas within the constituency are eager to have this fine gentleman of the land to lead the constituency to catapult it to the next level of transformational development with his great ideas.

Beyond his ideas, the good social and developmental works he continues to embark on in the various towns of the constituency.

The walk was attended by many lovers of Nana Adjei Kyerema from al the different towns of the constituencis who organised themselves and have for a long time been waiting for an opportunity to express their love and appreciation for Nana Adjei Kyerema.

The walk started as early as 5am with huge numbers morning at the Anyinam Ahenfie forecourts and the participants walked with lots of excitement.

Most of them understood what they were doing and all participants were sure of one thing, that Nana Adjei Kyerema becoming the next Member of Parliament for Atiwa East will definitely inure to the benefit of all constituents in the area.

The love shown by the people of Atiwa East is the perfect definition of massive, and in light of the fact that constituency is a cosmopolitan area, it can be adduced that Atiwa East came out massively to walk and to show support for Nana Adjei Kyerema.

This walk has also shown how the grassroots of the Atiwa East massively support Nana Adjei Kyerema for the MP bid.

This walk is obviously not a photo-shoot opportunity, but a depiction of the love of the masses for Nana Adjei Kyerem to win the seat and represent the people in parliament.

The motive in the minds of the several thousands of citizens from diverse backgrounds united, is to make Nana Adjei Kyerema MP of Atiwa East.

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