Home News Amend Ghana’s Constitution – Ankaful Chief

Amend Ghana’s Constitution – Ankaful Chief

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Nana Obura Asankomah Ansa

Source: James Kwaku Baako

The chief of Ankaful, Nana Obura Asankomah Ansah, has called for the amendment of a clause in the nation’s constitution that bans traditional rulers from engaging in active politics.

The move according to the traditional ruler has made some of the traditional rulers dumb when they know clearly that their rights have been trampled on by some greedy and untruthful politicians.

Nana cited instances where some politicians only visit their palaces when soliciting votes, but fail to honour their words as soon as they have won the election.

The chief was optimistic that if traditional rulers openly express their views without being gagged, most politicians will turn a new leaf and work hard to bring developments to their constituencies.

Nana Obura Asankomah Ansah noted a situation where some aggrieved traditional rulers and their subjects threatened to ban political campaigns in their communities before and during the forthcoming elections until some infrastructural development is extended to their communities.

The chief tagged African politicians, especially those in Ghana, as unpatriotic and agents of bad governance. This, he stressed, has caused African countries to suffer from brain drain.

He urged Ghanaians, most importantly his subjects, not to resort to violence in addressing their grievances but to use their thumbs to vote for or against the presidential candidate of their choice in the 2024 elections.

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