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Binduri – UE/R: Five market women feared dead after sporadic shooting by unknown gunmen

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At least five have been reported dead after gunmen ambushed a vehicle in the Binduri district of the region.

Two other persons have been reported injured in the that comes after more than five deaths were recorded in the chieftaincy conflict which resurfaced last week.

The women were part of traders traveling to the Atuba market, one of the busiest markets in the Binduri district, when the gunmen opened on their vehicle Monday, January 22, 2024.

The attackers fled the scene before state security arrived at the crime scene. The injured have been transported to a health facility for treatment, while the remains of the deceased have been transported to a morgue.

Meanwhile, the Member of for Bawku Central, has condemned the killing of the women.

He said this is very regrettable.

“Let me once again, condemn this attack on innocent men and women going about their businesses. The must do whatever it takes to apprehend the perpetrators of this dastardly act,” he said in a press release dated January 22.

“On Monday 22nd January in the afternoon, a truck conveying traders from Bawku to Atuba market in the Binduri District was attacked by unknown gunmen and the driver and six (6) passengers made up of one (1) man and five (5) women were killed. I once again appeal to all sides in the Bawku conflict to lay down their arms and let end this senseless violence. My condolences go out to the families of the dead,” Mr Ayariga stated.

He urged the “to take urgent steps to protect the lives of
people in Bawku and the districts around it.”

By Felix Anim-Appau

The post Binduri – UE/R: Five market women feared dead after sporadic shooting by unknown gunmen first appeared on 3News – First In News | Ghana News Updates.

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