Home Entertainment Children shouldn’t be sent to buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc – Dr. Likee

Children shouldn’t be sent to buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc – Dr. Likee

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Ghanaian actor Ebenezer Kwesi Antwi, aka Dr Likee has warned parents and guardians against sending kids on errands to buy alcohol and other highly addictive substances.

According to him, a similar action led to his addiction to drinking and smoking.

He explained that, out of curiosity, he tasted the locally-distilled alcohol (akpeteshie) several times and that led him to start smoking cigarettes in no time.

“If you are home with a kid, never ask them to buy jot and drinks,” he advised.

Ras Nene, the actor who played his real life gangster character in movies, added that, it took the intervention of God and being focused to escape the “street” lifestyle that has propelled his life to become better.



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