Home News Duffuor’s Injunction: Remain Calm! – Fifi Kwetey Assures Party Members Primaries Will...

Duffuor’s Injunction: Remain Calm! – Fifi Kwetey Assures Party Members Primaries Will Be Held On Saturday | Politics

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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it is confident the May 13 Presidential and Parliamentary pimaries will be held as scheduled.

In a statement signed by its General Secretary, Fifi Fivi Kwetey, “the National Democratic Congress (NDC), further to a court action on the part of one of the presidential aspirants, wishes to assure presidential, parliamentary aspirants as well as members, supporters, and sympathizers, that the party is taking all legitimate and legal steps to pave way for the presidential and parliamentary primaries on Saturday, May 13, 2023.”

“While urging calm among our rank and file, we wish to assure that the party as at April 20th, 2023 had made available the full Delegates List to all presidential candidates in line with our commitment stated in our guidelines that, this Primary Document, would be furnished to all presidential candidates.”

“The party is therefore confident that, this temporary challenge will be quickly overcome to pave way for the holding of the primaries on schedule,” a part of the statement said.

Read below Full statement


The National Democratic Congress (NDC), further to a court action on the part of one of the presidential aspirants, wishes to assure presidential, parliamentary aspirants as well as members, supporters, and sympathizers, that the party is taking all legitimate and legal steps to pave way for the presidential and parliamentary primaries on Saturday, May 13, 2023.

We want to urge party members and the people of Ghana to remain calm as the Party, through its legal team, works to resolve the temporary challenge.

It will be recalled that Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, one of the three presidential aspirants, on Tuesday filed a suit against the party seeking to injunct the primaries.

While urging calm among our rank and file, we wish to assure that the party as at April 20th, 2023 had made available the full Delegates List to all presidential candidates in line with our commitment stated in our guidelines that, this Primary Document, would be furnished to all presidential candidates.

The party is therefore confident that, this temporary challenge will be quickly overcome to pave way for the holding of the primaries on schedule.

It is our expectation that we shall all put the larger interest of our great party ahead of all considerations, knowing that the good people of Ghana are eagerly looking up to our party, come December 7, 2024, to rescue this nation from the current national collapse.

Thank you

General Secretary
Fifi Fivi Kwetey

Kwabena Duffuor’s Case

NDC flagbearer aspirant, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor on Tuesday, May 9, filed an interlocutory injunction against the party’s presidential and parliamentary primaries.

The suit by Dr. Duffuor is to bar the NDC and the Electoral Commission from holding the primaries pending the production of a complete photo album register.

The former Finance Minister also wants the party to deliver the complete register to him at least five weeks ahead of the election.

According to the plaintiff, data from only 220 out of the 275 constituencies have been verified. An exceptional list of 74,799 he adds has been created which cannot also be verified because of scanty information.

For no credible reason, 3,910 eligible voters at the 220 constituencies have been disenfranchised,” Dr. Duffuor’s writ read in parts.

He further makes a point, the photo album put out by the electoral directorate of the NDC with the knowledge, consent, and tacit approval of the general secretary of the party would compromise the integrity of the election to his detriment.

“The Plaintiff maintains that the reluctance to extend the time for the internal elections and provide a complete and credible photo album register ahead of time to the presidential aspirants for verification smacks of a plan to create an undue advantage for manipulation of the presidential primaries”, the motion added.

Kwabena Duffuor had complained of some discrepancies in the party’s voter register and called on the National Executive of the party to postpone the upcoming primaries, but the party stated that the primaries will proceed accordingly.

Source: Peacefmonline.com



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