Home Sports GFA dismiss claims of Inaki Williams’ lack of commitment to Black Stars

GFA dismiss claims of Inaki Williams’ lack of commitment to Black Stars

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The Communications Director of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Henry Asante Twum has debunked reports suggesting that Inaki Williams is not a committed Black Stars player following his recent decision to pull out of the Ghana squad.

The Athletic Bilbao player announced his decision to not join Chris Hughton’s squad for their crucial 2023 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifier against Madagascar later this month stating his unfitness as an excuse.

While many Ghanaians and pundits alike have slammed the player for turning down the call-up due to the nature of the match, Asante Twum has advised that such rumours should not be promoted to dent the player’s image.

He further cited the player’s last two Ghana appearances in the AFCON qualifiers as a testament to his dedication to the national team.

He added that the medical team of Williams’ club have also confirmed the player’s injury which is why all parties have agreed to give him rest.

“It is true the coaches were hoping to get him for the match against Madagascar because it is just one match, but we do not have to dwell on such rumours,” he said on Peace FM.

Because he played in Kumasi and travelled with the team to Madagascar so why wouldn’t he go to Madagascar?”

“We can only make these allegations if there was no proof of an injury but the Athletic Bilbao medical team have sent Ghana’s medical team a report of scans and treatment the player has been undergoing in the last six to seven matches. So our medical team is fully aware of this that’s why we have taken the decision together.

Ghana will go into the match as leaders of Group E with eight points followed by Central African Republic who have seven points with Angola and Madagascar following with five and one point each.

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