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“I stopped supporting Chef Faila because of her immoral Islamic lifestyle” – Islamic cleric states (PHOTO)

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A Facebook user with the name Abdullah Kashuba Fatogma has come under heavy backlash from netizens after criticizing the faith of Chef Failatu Abdul-Razak following her just ended cook-a-thon attempt.

According to the revered Islamic cleric, he congratulated chef Failatu after she announced that she was ending her Guinness world record attempt at 227hrs but shunned reading or posting about the event due to certain stated reasons.

Abdullah Kashuba Fatogma made it clear that he didn’t really like Failatu’s religious and moral life. He doubted her Dagbon or Islamic moral life.

He went on to further his disappointment after learning about her Un-Islamic marital affairs with Capt. Reginald.

According to the cleric, a Muslim cannot attempt such adventures because it deprives one of time to pray or attend to proper nature due to the limited 5mins you are given in every hour to rest.

However, he commended the economic benefits of the event on Tamale and admired the fact that she placed Ghana and Tamale on the map.

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