Home Entertainment I was paid to marry Joyce Mensah – Dr UN

I was paid to marry Joyce Mensah – Dr UN

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Popular con artiste Dr UN real name Kwadwo Fordjour has revealed that his marriage to former HIV/AIDS ambassador Joyce Dzidzor Mensah was based on a contract they signed.

According to him, he was approached by Joyce Dzidzor so she could tap into his shine because he was trending at that time.

He went ahead to disclose that Joyce agreed to pay him an amount of money so he acts as her husband for just one month.

Also Read: Dr UN shades Joyce Mensah with his new girlfriend

Dr UN went ahead to claim that despite it being a month contract marriage he ended up having sexual intercourse with her on several occasions and he can boldly say she enjoyed it.

Asked whether he wasn’t scared about the fact that she was HIV positive and he could also contract the deadly virus, he replied by saying that is not true because Joyce is HIV negative.

Speaking on that topic, he claimed that Joyce isn’t HIV/AIDS positive as claimed rather she was used and dumped by the Ghana AIDS Commission.

He explained that the commission failed to stick to their part of the deal and that is what is making Joyce talk because she feels she has been betrayed by the commission.

Read More: Joyce Mensah finally reveals why she divorced Dr UN

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