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Idris Elba to partner with Bank of Ghana to boost Ghana’s creative arts industry

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A delegation of eight members from the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF), led by Hollywood actor Dr. Idris Elba and SDF CEO Denelle Dixon, paid a courtesy visit to Dr. Ernest Addison, Governor of the Bank of Ghana.

The nonprofit organization aims to utilize blockchain technology to unlock global economic potential, with a focus on making money more fluid, markets more open, and people more empowered. They presented a blockchain-based fintech innovation aimed at ensuring fair compensation for participants in the local creative industry, particularly for upcoming creators and artists, through smart contracts.

This innovation seeks to address challenges faced by industry players in Africa, including limited access to the global payments ecosystem and violations of intellectual property rights.

Discussions also centered on piloting technology and policy innovations to improve IP and copyright administration for local content creators. Ghana was selected as a potential pilot country due to the Bank’s progress in Central Bank digital currency initiatives and tokenization.

Both the Bank of Ghana and the Stellar Development Foundation expressed their commitment to collaborating on this initiative to benefit the creative industry, especially the youth.

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