Home Entertainment I’ve achieved a lot in the lookalike business – Kuami Eugene’s Lookalike

I’ve achieved a lot in the lookalike business – Kuami Eugene’s Lookalike

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Steve Quamz, who is known as Kuami Eugene’s lookalike, has expressed his appreciation for the numerous benefits and recognition he has received from this role.

“If I were to say that the lookalike thing brought no benefits to me, I would be lying because it has done a lot for me,” Steve Quamz shared in an interview with Amansan Krakye.

As a singer, content creator, and YouTuber, Steve Quamz is thankful to Kuami Eugene for allowing him to use his name and be recognized by many as ‘Rockstar Junior.’

“I want to express my profound gratitude to Kuami Eugene because not everyone would let you claim to be their lookalike and use their name like I did,” he said on Property FM in Cape Coast.

The recognition from being a lookalike has been significant, and now, when he’s outside, people recognize him through the lookalike role and call him Rockstar Junior.

“I’ve been able to create my own identity as Steve Quamz through the lookalike role, and most people know me as Kuami Eugene’s lookalike, so we can’t stop doing it,” he claimed.

The lookalike enterprise has provided Steve Quamz with a platform to build his brand and gain a following, and he acknowledges the positive impact it has had on his career.

Overall, Steve Quamz’s experience as Kuami Eugene’s lookalike has been overwhelmingly positive, bringing him recognition and opportunities he might not have otherwise received.

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