Home Entertainment Lady storms church with her brothers to beat her cheating boyfriend

Lady storms church with her brothers to beat her cheating boyfriend

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A cheating boyfriend received the beating of his life after his girlfriend together with her brothers stormed his church to beat him up.

In a video available on social media, the lady in the company of her brothers stormed the church of her boyfriend to locate where he was sitting.

After locating where her cheating boyfriend was sitting, they walked straight to him and pounced on him without asking him for any explanation.

According to the source, the girlfriend found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with another lady and decided to teach him a lesson and that was to disgrace him in church.

The cheating boyfriend who wouldn’t allow his future-in-laws to triumph over him stood up to fight them but some church members held him back to avoid escalating the matter.

The pastor who was by then preaching to the congregation stood there in disbelief as all these things happened in his presence.

Watch the video below:

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