Home Sports Let’s patronize the 13th African Games – Kwasi Appiah urges Ghanaians —...

Let’s patronize the 13th African Games – Kwasi Appiah urges Ghanaians — Ghana Sports Online

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Former Ghana coach James Kwasi Appiah has called on Ghanaians to get involved in the 13th African Games.

Ghana will host the rest of the African continent in March 2024 in its capital, Accra.

Despite Ghana’s big role in the establishment of the continental multi-sport event held every four years, this could be the first time the West Africans would be hosting the showpiece.

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Meanwhile, Kwasi Appiah who played an instrumental role to help Ghana win a gold medal at the 2011 edition of the Games in Maputo has been speaking to Accra2023ag.com.

“I want to tell Ghanaians that they need to patronize the Games. When the Games are going on and there are no spectators the Games become dull. The media must also get involved and hype the Games so that by the time the Games get here everybody’s interest will be in the Games so that Ghanaians will know that there is going to be a competition,” he stated.

Source: Accra2023ag.com

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