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Muslims Asked To Live By The Teachings Of Their Religion

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Muslims Asked To Live By The Teachings Of Their Religion

Source: James Kweku Baako, Abura

The chief priest of the Abura Circuit of the Ahhamadiyya Missionary, Osofo Ahmed Buabeng, has asked Muslims in the country not to be carnally minded. He said that engaging in social vices could raise eyebrows and tarnish the image of their religion. He also urged them to be citizens of high moral value.

Osofo Ahmed Buabeng was addressing a huge congregation at the Abura Circuit of the Ahmadiyya missionary at the new Cape Coast Stadium to climax the month-long fasting and prayers of Muslims across the globe.

Muslims Asked To Live By The Teachings Of Their Religion
Muslims Asked To Live By The Teachings Of Their Religion

While preaching, he praised all Muslims for denying themselves food and the passion of the flesh between thirty and forty days for the forgiveness of their sins. Although fasting was a good spiritual exercise, he noted, it would not yield the expected results if Muslims did not live righteous lives after the celebration.

He cited instances where a Muslim who had observed the feast of the fasting just after the celebration would not be on good terms with his close neighbors. Osofo Ahmed Buabeng asked Muslims in the country not to allow themselves to be used as bait by selfish politicians to cause violence in the upcoming political campaigns and elections.

This, he explained lets non-Muslims conclude that the ‘peaceful religion’ is violent. To avert such incidents from occurring, he pleaded with members of the Islamic faith to return home after casting their ballots and wait for Allah who chooses a righteous leader for a country to make his own choices.

Touching on feasts and merry-makings that have characterized Ramadan celebration, Osofo Ahmed Buabeng pointed out that no book in the Holy Koran endorses the celebration of Saladest and reckless motorcycle racing as seen in the present dispensation. He therefore asked members of Muslims to refrain from such practices to curb injuries, deaths, and other sad reports that emanate from such celebrations.

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