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NBA player who claims he slept with 20,000 women

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Wilt Chamberlain is an NBA legend who claimed to have slept with over 20,000 women during his prime.

At age 55, Wilt has insisted that he got time to get intimate with many women which he has even lost count of.

A contemporary of his named Rod Roddewing once spent ten days with Wilt at his condominium in Honolulu. He observed Wilt enter his room during that time with 23 different ladies.

“We spent ten days there. Everything was noted in my Daytimer “said Roddewig. “I would mark my book every time he went to bed with a different woman. There were 23 checks after 10 days. 2.3 girls every day, then. To be safe, he took 2.3 and divided it in half. He then subtracted 15 from his current age, multiplied that figure by 1.2 ladies every day, and ended up with the figure of 20,000.”

Wilt extrapolated his number of sexual partners over the years using this 2.3 per day figure and arrived at the staggering, hardly credible total of 20,000 women with whom he had shared a bed.

Given that he was a 300-pound, 7’2″ behemoth that we had never seen before, it was only fitting that Chamberlain, the most well-known basketball player in history, would be a significant lure for women of lighter skin.

The way the public perceived the legendary basketball player changed after Chamberlain disclosed how many women he had slept with. People began disparaging him and expressing sympathy for his way of life, which had made him “a reference for sexual braggadocio.” Wilt, though, claims it wasn’t his intention.

Whatever the reason, The Big Dipper was forthright about the fact that sex was a significant part of his life. He was always a perfect gentleman, giving out praises left and right, and he loved being around women.

Chamberlain’s friend Fluke Fluker stated, “He would stop in the middle of a conversation if a gorgeous woman walked by.” He would either make a remark to the individual he was speaking to or glance at her. Furthermore, it wasn’t a derogatory, crude, or offensive remark. Or he would call the woman over and respectfully and nicely remark on her appearance. “I just want you to know you look extremely nice today,” he would add. And I wanted to be sure that you heard it from someone.

Wilt’s sexual prowess sparked concerns about his stature in society. However, Chamberlain himself defined it as a deeper view into his life, one in which sex played a significant role and which most people perceived as a boastful attempt.

Despite the fallout from his famed twenty-thousand passage, the Hall of Famer never denied that.

Wilt set scoring averages of 50.4, 44.8, and 36.9 points per game during those three seasons. During those seasons, he played an average of more than 47 minutes per game. And while he was doing all of this, he also added 25.7 points, 24.3 rebounds, and 22.3 assists per game to complement his scoring.

The first kind of NBA superstar was Chamberlain. He had already competed for the Harlem Globetrotters under a different alias before joining the league, thrilling crowds with his superhuman athleticism and skilled ball handling.

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