Maali, in a social media video sighted by, was spotted visiting his boyfriend Shatta Wale at his new $2.5 million mansion in Trasacco Estate, East Legon.
In the video, Maali who was casually dressed looked very excited and parked her expensive Toyota Land Cruiser to spend time with her boyfriend after his return to Ghana while being recorded.
Shatta Wale and Maali, who have been dating for a while now after going public with their relationship over two years ago, recently welcomed their first child, a girl, before the end of 2024.
The couple recently shared an adorable video of their daughter on December 25, 2024, as they expressed excitement at spending their first Christmas with her. Shatta Wale then announced his daughter’s name was Queen Money and shared details of a social media account he had created for her.
Below is the video of Maali arriving at Shatta Wale’s new mansion for the first time: