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Started drinking & smoking at age 8 – Dr Likee opens up on past life

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Everybody has a life they got exposed to by circumstance in their early days. I mean to say each and everyone has a past life. It could be dirty or ugly.

Ebenezer Akwasi Antwi originally nicknamed Ras Nene but now Dr Likee is no different from this. He has a past life, and for the first time, he has shared and gone deep into it.

The comic actor in an interview has given a blow-by-blow account of how he entered into smoking at a tender age and later matured into peddling drugs as a big-time business.

He said at the early age of 8 he occasionally was staying with his mother’s elder sister who owned a drinking spot at Tafo, one of the popular towns in Kumasi.

On his visits, the woman would entrust the spot to his care and run personal errands then return back to post and sell the alcohol and cigarettes to customers.

All these while he had seen and experienced how these adults who come to the shop drink and smoke, and thus started practising what he saw with time.

Dr Likee later became a product of the environment he was exposed to. He started drinking the leftover alcohol already served to clients and joined in smoking too.

According to him, when people come to the bar and are done smoking drops it on the floor and quenches it, the fire isn’t completely out.

So in that case I’m compelled to pick it, hide behind the house and smoke. This was how it all started.

Asked by the host, Delay if her Mother’s sister was aware of this, dr Likee revealed that the woman knew yet she did nothing about it.

It went on for years and he graduated from small-scale smoking to dealing drugs itself for so many years.

“I worked at a bar when I was young. Sometimes when people come to the bar and they are done smoking, I pick the last piece from the ground and hide to smoke it. That was how it all started.

Later I meet another stubborn kid who was just like me, he introduced me to weed smoking. Dr Likee (Ras Nene) disclosed to Delay.
“My mother warned and advised me to quit smoking on several occasions but I never paid heed to her,” he added.

“I became stubborn because I was earning some money from my scraps trade and the smoking habit made things worse.

My mother would sit me down severally to advise me but I wouldn’t listen and gradually I was introduced to wee by a friend,” he told Delay.

The Ghanaian comic actor while speaking also admonished parents and guardians to desist from sending children on errands to buy them hard drugs and cigarettes for use.

Never send your child to buy cigarettes or even smoke in their presence

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