Home News Uneasy Calm In Ghana Police Service Over Promotions

Uneasy Calm In Ghana Police Service Over Promotions

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There is uneasy calm within the Ghana Police Service over recent promotions made by the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo Dampare.
These promotions and appointments according to some Senior officers are being done on favouritism and “whom you know” basis and not on seniority.
This paper has gathered that, this development is causing disaffection and tension in the service.
According to the Senior Officers who felt the IGP jumped them and went ahead to promote junior officers, said the IGP continues IGP continue to promote juniors above seniors in the service.
It would be recalled that, at the leaked tape investigation, the IGP said promotion are done according to vacancy and competence.
However, Senior officers are questioning the kind of competency assessment or evaluation the IGP did on those he has just promoted over their seniors.
None at all. If he did the promotion according to vacancies, why not promote the seniors to fill that vacancy instead,” they asked.
They explained that in the police service, Senior Officers graduate from the academy in courses and seniority and in each course is determined by final examination at the end of each course.
“Currently, there are 5 members of Course 34 who are long due for promotion, but the IGP denied them. Then members of Course 35 who were also due for promotion since May this year were not also given. Just yesterday, only 7 members were promoted leaving the rest. 8” a Senior police officer explained.
Below is the Seniority list of Couse 35.
Banabas Nasumong, Lawrencia Wilhelmina Akorli, (Rev/Mrs) Innocent Kwaku Avevor, Wisdom Lavoe, Yao Dogbey, Tettegah, Samuel Yankey, Desmond Owusu, Boampong, Obed Dzikunu, Gabriel Prince Waabu, Charles Kofi Adu, Oduro Amaning, William Kofi Donkor, Isaac Asante, Arhin Kwasi Annor, Herbert Gustav Yankson (Dr), Joseph. Owusu-Bempah and Benjamin Osei Addae.
Meanwhile, the IGP, some few weeks singled out and promoted Banabas Nasumong and then Desmond Boampong and recently picked seven (7) people including Rev. Laurentia W. Akorli, Samuel Yankey, Prince Woabu, Charles Adu, Isaac Asante, Arhin K. Annor, and Owusu Bempa and promoted them.
The question arising from these promotions is “what have the rest done for them to be refused promotion.”
According to the Senior officers, the IGP has not done any competency assessment for them before promoting them and indicated that the existing structure has not been followed.
Source: GhanaFeed Newspaper

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