Home News 99% of Traditional Leaders Praise Divisional Police Commander in Media Survey

99% of Traditional Leaders Praise Divisional Police Commander in Media Survey

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Ghana Police

A recent media survey in the people of Ga-south municipality has revealed an unprecedented level of approval for Tuba police Divisional Commander Chief supretendant Freeman Kumashie with an astonishing 99% of traditional leaders expressing praise for his effective policing strategies and leadership.

The survey, conducted by this Outlet across the Ga-south municipality sought to gauge the opinions of traditional leaders on the commander’s performance.

The overwhelming consensus highlights the commander’s success in:

– Maintaining law and order
– Building trust with local communities

– Fostering collaborative relationships

– Proactive and responsive approach
– Commitment to community engagement
– Empathy and understanding of local needs
– Transparency and accountability

This resounding endorsement demonstrates the commander’s dedication to serve and protect the community, earning him a reputation as a trusted and effective leader.

The survey results serve as a testament to the power of effective policing and community collaboration, showcasing the positive impact on Ga-south community safety and well-being.

The media survey’s findings will undoubtedly bolster chief superintendent kumashie efforts, inspiring continued excellence in policing and community service.

The Divisional Police Commander needs a Special Recommendation for Exemplary Leadership and Effective Policing
In recognition of his outstanding leadership and commitment to the residents in the Ga-south community safety.

Under his tenure ,the entire people in the municipality have achieved significant reductions in crime rates, improved community engagement, and enhanced public trust.

His innovative approaches to policing have made a tangible impact on the city, fostering a safer and more harmonious environment for residents and visitors alike.

Key accomplishments include:

– *Implementation of proactive patrols and intelligence-driven operations, resulting in a 25% decrease in violent crimes

.*Development of community outreach programs, leading to a 30% increase in citizen reporting of suspicious activities

*Collaborative efforts with local organizations, resulting in enhanced support for vulnerable populations and crime prevention initiatives

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