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A new deadly disease to hit the world soon – Prophet Boahen Uche

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Ghanaian Prophet Eric Boahen Uche has warned world leaders to brace themselves for the arrival of a new deadly virus.

According to the Preacher in church, he has seen in a vision another deadly virus just like the coronavirus taking over again and bringing things to a standstill.

He added that the virus would kill a lot of people just like how Covid-19 did to the world.

Prophet Boahen Uche during his prophecy time added that he was seeing the number 6 associated with the virus but had no idea what the number meant.

He added that he hopes and prays people survive when this virus strikes. He, however, failed to mention when the world should be expecting this new virus.

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Prophet Boahen Uche is known to have gotten some of his prophecies accurate in the past and this new prophecy from him has got some people worried.

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