Home News Beethoven Opoku Agyeman Gets WODIF Honour | General News

Beethoven Opoku Agyeman Gets WODIF Honour | General News

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The World Diplomatic Federation (WODIF) has officially extended invitation to His Noble Meritor/Mériter Beethoven Opoku Agyemang to fellowship with the world’s most respectful and great human family.

The invitation is strictly based on one or more of the following accomplishments; relating to any of the subsequent achievements like supporting community development programs/events through
Philanthropy or Humanitarianism, special voluntary service, specialty in industry and Investments, legal aid, civil society, tradition know-how, dispute settlement, youth and student sustenance which has won you this accolade to be Honorary Associate Councilor –Council for Global Innovation and Modernization Initiatives–[West African Fellow], classified as first-rated business magnate with a reverential title “His Noble Meritor/Mériter Beethoven Opoku Agyemang in your capacity to connect and relate to West African governments on WODIF initiatives programs and projects.

The World Diplomatic Federation “WODIF” is a nonpartisan, independent civil organization dedicated to international cooperation hitherto founded to create the most respected diplomatic platform for economic growth and development through forums, conferences, dialogues, festivals, honorary award ceremonies, trade, finance and investment amalgamation network, national cooperation and liberalization, relative world health issues, food security and sustainable environment, managing international relations hencesustaining peace and security and as well managing, negotiating and resolving conflict.

WODIF is subject to projecting, promoting, and strengthening global companionship in all disciplines, albeit to support the role, functions and responsibilities of United Nations and other international related organizations’ core values.

This platform supervenes the individual affluent and the influential in the global society to uniquely come together as one family of greatness.

The organization is registered in Newberg Oregon, USA, having its proposed continental head offices in Germany –Europe, Brazil –South America, Japan –Asia, Ghana –Africa; Atlanta, Georgia –[North America] USA, aiming at inviting all walks of life into this social and economic fellowship (Membership). Membership is strictly by invitation after a thorough investigation is done on you, justifying your holistic personality without criminal records before induction into fellowship.

The organization has the privilege through its SUPREME SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY to invite also Politicians, Diplomats, Entrepreneurs, Business moguls, Bankers, Barristers, Physicians, Engineers, Security Experts, Great Scientists, Philanthropists, Celebrities and top-level Journalists to fellowship.

In a release from WODIF’s communication department, it stated, “The world today, needs the support of the individual and corporate affluent society to champion the cause of salvaging to salving the challenges facing global communities, and for this reason, you are required respectfully to tender your acceptance by writing officially to us.

“The Supreme Sovereign Authority upon your acceptance letter is received; would call for an official induction in a closed door, private gathering or in an open inaugural ceremony will be held to commemorate you.

“In your consummation and participation as a CLASSIFIED FELLOW of WODIF, you will be
entitled to be among the first recipients in history to be awarded the PHERENIKE [The Victorious One.”

It added “This honorary title will be conferred on successful individuals who, by virtue of their
affluence,and influence over the world, distinguish themselves holistically.

“The organization upon your acceptance would want you to have press releases and briefings to
inform the general public towards the inaugural induction.”

The MISSIONARY BUREAU of the World Diplomatic Federation in Africa presiding in Ghana; has officially scheduled your inauguration on Friday, 19th January, 2024 at the Accra International Conference Center at 12noon prompt.

The prime purpose of this Federation is to establish a common platform that will bring together great and excellent achievers around the world to address international issues with one voice.

“Your invitation to join ‘WODIF’ is with the expectation that you will bring aboard your expertise and experience to bear on relative issues.

“However, you will always be notified of the necessary arrangements in advance where and whenever
your presence will be needed at any given location different from your permanent place of abode.

“The organization after the inaugural induction, will fully gazette your membership at the Supreme
Court of competent jurisdiction to serve permanently for four years as ceremonial fellow and leader.

“On joining WODIF, you are to note that your role, functions and responsibilities will officially be
handled by a team of Emissaries under the directives of the Secretariat Commissioner since your affluence may not permit you to be fully engage at all times.”

By notice, the US Ambassador Virginia Evelyn Plamer, our Special Guest of the occasion, and other
diplomatic representation [Ambassadors/High Commissioners] from UK, Germany, China, France,
Japan, Canada, Israel, Turkey, Belgium, Brazil, Morrocco, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Egypt,
Algeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola, Congo, South Africa, and Malawi will grace the occasion to decorate the Honorees.

The event is under the auspices of Diaspora Affairs of the Office of the President and involving other ministries participating in our upcoming US Africa Companionship Festival and Summit.

Official invitation has been extended to international media agencies like CNN, BBC, Deutsche
Welle, Al Jazeera, Sky News, Euro News, New Times, and others from Africa to cover the inaugural

“We respectfully require you to support the inaugural ceremony since it comes with some cost
including video transportation [Air Ticketing], documentaries and coverages, media publicity,
ceremonial gown, certificate, international ID Card, medal, citation of honor, and expect you to support our delegates on a round trip to Ghana, if possible, include hotel lodging.

“Fund commitment must be paid to RECTITUDE INTERNATIONAL MISSION account for grounds preparation towards the induction. We also urge you to attend the upcoming event with a delegation of 520 to enable you to show your elation of euphoria.”

The institution of Council of Lords, Chancellors, Provost, Deans, Commissioners, and Emissaries is the assembly of a division or sector of World Diplomatic Federation for specific duties and operations. The COUNCILOR paramountcy is inimitable to streamline, rationalize and strengthen the organization since there are too many responsibilities necessary for policy application, employment, enactment, implementation, operation, and execution.

The councils bring together evolution of strategic disciplines to governance and leaderships, to ensure expectations are met. The organization has assemblies, made of the SUPREME SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY with several conventional Executive Councils under its jurisdiction, Transglobal Advisory Council, International/National Patronship Council, Bough Associates Council, Council of State Commissioners, Global Secretariat and Emissaries Council, International Luminary Council, Council for Electoral Observation, Economic Surveillance, and Policy Dialogue, Council for Good Governance, Conflict Resolution and Peace; Aids and Grants Council; International Council for Legal Aid and Advocacy, Council for International Trade, Finance, and Investment; Health, Wellness, and Environmental Council, Council for Agri-career and Food Security, Council for Women Empowerment, Child Development, and Gender Equality, and Youth Development Council for Sports, Education and Entertainment are instituted to broaden the organization holistic policies across the globe.



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