Home News Chief Of Ankaful Loses Confidence In Politicians

Chief Of Ankaful Loses Confidence In Politicians

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Nana Obura Asankoma Ansah

Source: James Kweku Baako, Cape Coast

The chief of Ankaful in the Oguaa Traditional Area, Nana Obura Asankoma Ansah, said the NDC and the NPP governments have disappointed Ghanaians within the past two to three decades by not fulfilling pledges made to the citizenry.

To address such disappointments in the future, he has called on traditional rulers and the citizenry to demand accountability from flagbearers of all political parties that visit their communities to campaign for the 2024 elections before giving them the mandate

Nana Obura Asankoma noted that politicians in the country are noted for lies, deceit, selfishness, greed, and misplacement of priority when using the nation’s limited financial resources. Nana Obura Asankoma Ansah cited the construction of the Komenda Sugar factory as a waste of the nation’s limited financial resources in the sense that, the then government, John Dramani Mahama, should not have gone for a loan of 300 million dollars from the Exim Bank to build the Komenda Sugar factory when he knew that there were no sugarcanes to feed the factory with the sugar production.

He also expressed dissatisfaction with the NPP government leadership for letting the citizenry wait in vain for close to eight years of its rule. Nana Obura Asankoma Ansah explained that Ghanaians rallied behind the Akufo Addo-led government in 2016 and 2020 because they hoped and believed that the NPP government would fulfill many of the promises made to the citizenry.

Sadly, he lamented the situation is not as he and many Ghanaians see it now. He was emphatic that if the Akufo Addo-led government fails to address the ongoing power outages before the December 7 2024 Elections, the NPP should consider itself defeated before the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections. He blamed the poor developments in the country now on politicians who do not easily accept criticism from traditional rulers on bad governance.

He pleaded with his fellow traditional rulers to hold the bull by the horns by criticizing the evil deeds of the politicians who always seek for their selfish gains and not the interest of the masses.
He praised some traditional rulers that have started warning politicians not to campaign in their communities till the needs of their areas like electricity, poor road network, health centers, and the like are provided as the only way they can get their fair share of the national cake.

He was hopeful that if traditional leaders were to remain in power as custodians of societies, the nation would have seen much more developments than it is experiencing now. He therefore suggested that parts of the constitution be amended. This, he stressed, when done will enable traditional rulers to fully come out to condemn poor governance of political party leaders in the country.

Nana Obura Asankoma Ansah used the occasion to plead with all Ghanaians to eschew violence before, during, and after the 2024 elections. This he noted when done, will enable the country to remain as the oasis of peace in the African continent.

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