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Citizen Of Chiana-Paga Thankful To Akufu-Addo For Mercy, Appeals To DC To Soften Punishment Measures On 8 Female Students | General News

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A concerned Citizen of the Chiana-Paga Constituency (Kassena-Nankana West District Assembly), Mr. Francis Atayure Abirigo has commended the President of the Republic of Ghana, H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufu-Addo for tempering justice with mercy by asking the disciplinary committee (DC) to revoke the total sack conditions meted out to the 8 female students of Chiana Senior High School in the Kassena-Nankana West District of the Upper East Region.

He sent this to newsmen on Saturday, January 14, 2023.

He said Nana Addo has acted like a father just as he did in the Meek Mill Jubilee House video issue.
“A father should only gag but not bite his own,” he said.

Mr. Abirigo further appealed to the school’s disciplinary committee to act in the manner that the president has espoused and give them less punishment or not at all bearing in mind that they are first-timers and have shown remorse in a video we have all seen.

Student’s attitude of ridicule will emerge among the school’s student body against these female students, including the forever tag for indiscipline, which is enough punishment to the 8 students.

“You cannot ignore the fact that you have pardoned your own children at home many times, so therefore what the committee can do is to pardon these students to allow them to concentrate on their studies and the Ghana Education Service (GES) intensifying measures to encourage general discipline. “I say this because the GES and the school authorities including the presidency cannot exonerate themselves from the indiscipline that is engulfing our education system”.

“When we were in secondary school, one could not even insult a senior let alone the president, these are possibly the nemesis of the Free Senior High Secondary School system (FSHS)”.

The concerned Citizen who himself is a journalist and a development Communications Expert urged the media and all developmental stakeholders to take particular interest in what is going to be the outcome of the committee’s action on the matter in the future.

“You are all agents of development and cannot sit unconcerned at a time that girl child education is the talk of the day when 8 girls are being sacked or punished for expressing themselves in a democracy” Mr. Abirigo stated.

Source: Peacefmonline.com



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