Home Entertainment Don’t leave Ghana if you make Ghc5k a month – Serwaa Amihere

Don’t leave Ghana if you make Ghc5k a month – Serwaa Amihere

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It’s a confirmed fact that 90% if not 100% of Ghanaian youths are eager to leave the country to seek greener pastures elsewhere.

In recent times, you speak with someone or a friend in the morning only to be told the next day that the person has left Ghana.

This is what has prompted television personality Serwaa Amihere to come out and advise the youth against travelling outside the country.


According to Serwaa Amihere, any youth earning Ghc5000 or more in the country has no excuse to say they want to leave the country for greener pastures in a different country.

She mentioned that things are not rosy out there as some people believe.

Her tweet reads: “I think if you are in your 20s and 30s and earning, at least, Ghs5000 and above you shouldn’t rush to leave Ghana. It’s not all that rosy out there.”

See the screenshot of her post below:

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