Home Entertainment Fame has propelled my maturity and resilience – Yaw Tog.

Fame has propelled my maturity and resilience – Yaw Tog.

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The award-winning Ghanaian rapper, Thorsten Owusu Gyimah, widely known by his stage name Yaw Tog, recently opened up about how fame has shaped his character and maturity. In an exclusive interview with Yaw Mawutor Fianu on Class FM’s Drive Time, the ‘Sore’ hitmaker expressed that fame has been a transformative journey for him, bringing valuable lessons about life.

When questioned about the impact of fame on him, Yaw Tog shared, “Tough! It’s made me learn plenty of things about life. Fame has made me mature. There is a whole lot that comes with fame. You get to meet people… disappointments… a whole lot, so… It’s good.”

Reflecting on his initial recognition, especially with a feature in a Billboard article, he admitted feeling overwhelmed. However, as time passed, he adopted a pragmatic perspective, acknowledging that fame is transient, and he continued to focus on his life.

Describing himself as “the shy type,” the artist revealed that his rapid rise to fame surprised those around him, including his mother. Embarking on his showbiz journey at 18 and achieving success with a hit song, Yaw Tog emphasized his calm approach to handling the newfound attention and financial gains.

He disclosed that he prioritized investing the money earned, stating, “I was calm, I was just investing. I don’t like to spend a lot.” Yaw Tog hinted at his upcoming album, titled “Young and Matured,” scheduled for release in March 2024. The album promises a blend of Highlife and various music genres, showcasing diversity beyond the Asakaa style he is renowned for.

Addressing the delayed release of the album, Yaw Tog mentioned, “I had to release the album last year, but one or two things stopped me. It’s been a lot, but next year, we’re dropping it… Say less,” confidently affirming his plans for the future.

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