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Heartbreaking Video As John Kumah’s Children And Wife Breakdown In Tears At His One-Week Observation – GhanaCelebrities.Com

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The late Deputy Finance Minister and MP for Ejisu Constituency, Hon John Kumah’s one-week observation is ongoing.

Videos of the event have suddenly flooded social media as John Kumah’s widow, Lilian Kumah could not hold back her tears.

She has been captured wailing at the funeral. She wept uncontrollably despite being consoled.

Also, John Kumah’s children are all seen seated for the one-week observation.

The video is touching and heart-wrenching, beholding the sight of these young ones without their father.

NPP gallant member Hon John Kumah died on March 7th, 2024 after battling a long-time illness.

According to the report, he flew from India where he was receiving medical treatment to Ghana for the Independence Day celebration, but sadly, he could not participate.

It’s been alleged that John Kumah was poisoned by his party members but his wife and some other media personalities have rubbished the claim.

Politician John Kumah died at 45 years old. He is survived by his wife and 6 children.

Watch the video below;

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com


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