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It Doesn’t Lie in the Mouth of a CJ to Be Heaping “Lavish Praise” on A President – Kwakye Ofosu ‘Fires’ Gertrude Torkornoo | Politics

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Communication team member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Felix Kwakye Ofosu has criticized the Chief Justice, Her Ladyship Justice Gertrude Torkornoo on her recent comment about President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo.

The former deputy Information Minister in the erstwhile John Dramani Mahama government expressed his utmost disgust on this official X (formerly Twitter) page, where he opined that it was out of place for the Chief Justice to praise the president in the manner she did.

Felix Kwakye Ofosu’s comment comes on the back of when the Chief Justice delivered a speech during the International Association of Women Judges Africa Regional Conference where she mentioned that, “President Akufo-Addo is a lawyer and champion of Justice and his name is definably hatched in the legal history of this country as the most distinguished legal practitioner.”

She added that, “His belief in the rule of law has been evident during his tenure as President.”

In his response to the Chief Justice’s comment, Felix Kwakye Ofosu wrote, “First, I am not sure that it lies in the mouth of a Chief Justice to be heaping such lavish praise on a President she is supposed to be independent from.”

He was of the view that, the comments made by the Chief Justice sounds almost partisan and raises questions about her ability to lead a judiciary, which, according to him, is supposed to be independent of an overbeating executive.

“Second, on the evidence of what we have seen, President Akufo-Addo cannot lay claim to a belief in the rule of law. The impunity, lawlessness, thuggery (and I dare say terrorism), he has superintended and his blatant refusal to punish clear wrongdoing by his appointees belie the Chief Justice’s claims.”

Source: Kobina Darlington/peacefmonline.com



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