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KIM’s learning sessions and the story so far

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Photo:// Kieran Iqbal Mwinekumo Abdul-Khalique

On December 30, 2022, 11-year-old Kieran Iqbal Mwinekumo Abdul-Khalique launched an initiative dubbed “KIM’s Learning Sessions” dedicated to promoting learning among children in rural communities in the Upper West Region.

The initiative was launched to mark his 10th birthday anniversary under the blessing of His Royal Highness Biihee-Naa (Chief of Biihee), Naa Jaafar Naatasung Pelpuo at the Biihee community in the Wa Municipality.

Kieran conceived the idea of KIM’s Learning Sessions at age 10 when he followed his enterprising mother, Founder of Mara Foods and Beautiful Smiles Project, Maria Johana Yuorpor to rural communities where she trains, on monthly basis, women on business development and economic empowerment.

During those visits, Kieran saw that children, like him, followed their mothers to the training grounds, but unlike him, they played around, beat each other and cried, distracted their mothers and interrupted their concentration, then he thought, “why don’t I engage these children in a separate activity while their mother learn?”

As his birthday gift, he asked his mother to help make his idea come to reality and KIM’s Learning Sessions was launched with support from his mother, father, aunties, uncles, mother’s friends and networks, and significant others.

Since its inception, KIM’s Learning Sessions has been on a mission to empower children in rural communities with numeracy, literacy, and ICT skills, providing them with the skills and materials they need to thrive in today’s world.

In the past year, KIM’s Learning Sessions visited three communities, including Kpongu, Siriyiri and Jonga, bringing education and opportunity to the doorstep of children who otherwise might have been left behind.

Through dedicated teaching sessions and the distribution of essential learning materials such as storybooks, exercise books, pens, pencils, sharpeners, and erasers, Kieran and his team have reached out to approximately 500 children, igniting a passion for learning and opening doors to a brighter future.

Kieran’s dedication and commitment to his cause have not gone unnoticed as he was recently honoured as a Rising Star by the Coalition for Positive Impact at its Igniting Dreams Excellence Awards, recognizing his outstanding contributions to education and community development.

As he took the stage to receive the Citation of Honour, Kieran said, “I started KIM’s Learning Sessions because I believe every child deserves access to quality education, regardless of where they come from. We have gone to three communities for now, but we pray that we are able to go further.”

Looking into the foreseeable future, KIM’s Learning Sessions is committed to expanding its reach and impact, reaching even more communities and empowering more children with the tools they need to succeed.

Part of the initiative’s new focus, according to the founder, is to set up mini libraries stocked with relevant books in the schools it will be visiting in the future.

With Kieran’s passion, determination, and the support of volunteers and donors, the future of education in rural communities looks brighter than ever.

In a world where the power of education can transform lives, the founder of KIM’s Learning Sessions, Kieran Iqbal Mwinekumo Abdul-Khalique must be applauded for his vision, leadership, and unwavering commitment to creating a world where every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

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