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Let transparency, fairness and integrity be your legacy – Enyonam Apetorgbor tells Jean Mensa

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CEO of KIPC Enyonam Adzo Apetorgbor, has said the posture of the electoral commission chair Jean Mensa suggests she is biased against the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in relation to the call for the audit of the voter register.

Enyonam Apetorgbor says the Electoral Commission holds the key to the peace Ghanaians seek,

Only free, fair, and credible elections can guarantee that peace, she said.

“Anything less is a threat to our democracy and the stability of our nation. I strongly urge the Chair of the Electoral Commission to respect the dignity of womanhood and to rise above any bias or external influence. She must commit herself fully to delivering a transparent and impartial election that honors the trust placed in her by the people of Ghana.

“History will judge your actions, and the future of our nation rests in your hands. Let transparency, fairness and integrity be your legacy,” she said in a statement.

Below is her full statement…

Your posture suggests a well-intentioned bias towards the December 7 General Elections

It is deeply concerning to observe the body language and actions of the Electoral Commissioner, which seem to suggest a well-intentioned bias and mischief towards the Electoral Process. It is alarming that the very institution entrusted with upholding the integrity of our elections appears to be compromising its own neutrality. The signs of partiality are too glaring to ignore, from the voter registration exercise, exhibition etc and Ghanaians are growing increasingly anxious.

As a woman in such a high and honorable position, the Chair of the Electoral Commission should embody the principles of transparency, fairness, and peace. Women are expected to be agents of peace and justice, yet it seems the current leadership of the EC is shying away from these very ideals. Your verbal assurances not to compromise the elections are doubtful, especially when your actions show otherwise. Why should you avoid transparency and fairness when these are the pillars upon which peaceful elections stand? An audit takes nothing from you but to report that your working document is free and fair in all material respect.

Your predecessors in this esteemed office conducted themselves with such dignity and honor, always ensuring that the electoral process was above reproach and deals with the concerns of every stakeholder. They demonstrated that neutrality and integrity were not negotiable. To now see the EC faltering in its sacred duty is deeply disappointing, and it raises serious concerns about the fairness of the upcoming elections.

The Electoral Commission holds the key to the peace Ghanaians so desperately seek, and only free, fair, and credible elections can guarantee that peace. Anything less is a threat to our democracy and the stability of our nation. I strongly urge the Chair of the Electoral Commission to respect the dignity of womanhood and to rise above any bias or external influence. She must commit herself fully to delivering a transparent and impartial election that honors the trust placed in her by the people of Ghana.

History will judge your actions, and the future of our nation rests in your hands. Let transparency, fairness and integrity be your legacy.

Enyonam Adzo Apetorgbor

September 20, 2024

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