Home News Nsutam Chief to authorise dog vaccinations after 7 child deaths from rabies...

Nsutam Chief to authorise dog vaccinations after 7 child deaths from rabies in 2023

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The Chief of Nsutam, Effiduasi, in the Ashanti Region, Nana Agyei Jumah, has authorised dog vaccinations in the community following the tragic deaths of children due to rabies from dog bites.
“Henceforth, I will ensure the rigorous enforcement of dog vaccinations, and non-compliance with this directive will face consequences. To guarantee the effectiveness of this enforcement, sentimentality towards family, friends, and loved ones will not be a  barrier,” he stated.
Nana Agyei Jumah cautioned his community during a gathering aimed at strategizing on addressing the increasing prevalence of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in the Sekyere East District following the tragic deaths of children due to rabies from dog bites.
“Why are so many dogs causing harm to children and adults when grasscutters, a common prey for dogs, are scarcely found?” he asked
He again expressed his worry over the reported deaths of seven children in the community and issued a warning that very soon, unvaccinated dogs would face elimination.
 The Chief recounted an incident where a woman shared a harrowing picture of her daughter being bitten by a dog belonging to a Methodist bishop.

The severity of the bite resulted in the tearing of the girl’s flesh.

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