In a tragic and shocking turn of events, a suspected serial killer, Joseph Ankomah, met a brutal end after being lynched and set ablaze by an enraged mob in Adum-Dominase, a small farming community in the Mpohor Fiase District.The horrifying incident occurred on Thursday, December 19, 2024, following allegations of ritual murders that had sent shockwaves through the community.
The mob’s fury was ignited by the murder of Diana Asante, a 22-year-old mobile money vendor who went missing on December 17, 2024. After an extensive three-day search, Diana’s lifeless body was discovered in a small tunnel near the town hall shed. The body, wrapped in a distinct bedspread, pointed investigators in a grim direction.
Upon recognizing the bedspread, local youth linked it to Joseph Ankomah, a well-known mortician and food vendor in the area. Driven by suspicion, they stormed his residence, where they reportedly uncovered bloodstains and blood-soaked clothes. This discovery intensified their anger, prompting them to confront Joseph.
Under intense pressure from the mob, Joseph allegedly confessed to the murder of Diana Asante. Furthermore, he reportedly admitted to being responsible for multiple other killings, claiming he had murdered four people that year alone. His chilling revelation included accusations that two prominent individuals in the district had hired him to carry out ritual killings. According to Joseph, these individuals sought blood and vital organs in exchange for money.
Before the police could intervene, the enraged mob took matters into their own hands. They assaulted Joseph and, in a fit of collective rage, set him on fire, killing him instantly. His charred remains were later retrieved by the police and sent to the mortuary.
Chief Superintendent William Gyamfi, the Mpohor District Police Commander, confirmed the incident to Citi News. However, he refrained from providing further details about potential arrests or the ongoing investigation. The police have since urged the community to remain calm and cooperate with authorities as they work to uncover the full truth behind the tragic events.