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‘The reshuffle appears to be one to do with winning an election rather than addressing the challenges faced by Ghanaians’ – Bawumia on Mahama’s reshuffle in 2016

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History, they say has a way of repeating itself. In 2016, when then President Mahama reshuffled his government, now Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia described it as an election winning strategy.

He derided the then President’s decision thus, “The ongoing reshuffle appears to be one to do with winning an election rather than one aimed at addressing the challenges faced by Ghanaians. In this regard, I am convinced that the ongoing reshuffle by the President will be meaningless.”

According to him, “Reshuffles are normal with all governments. However, with the record of the current government and the current state of the Ghanaian economy with its attendant hardships, what the people of Ghana desire is a reshuffling / change from amongst others:

  • the hardships that afflict our people; • the unprecedented joblessness affecting the Ghanaian youth;
  • the astronomic increases in taxes, utility prices and fuel;
  • the cancellation of teacher and nursing training allowances;
  • the decline of agriculture and manufacturing
  • the unprecedented corruption under this government
  • the incompetent economic management of this government.

Eight years on, the ruling government, of which Dr Bawumia is Vice President has been faced with the same challenges he accused the Mahama administration of not resolving.

Plus, his boss the President has undertaken a reshuffle with barely 10 months to election.

Cabinet Reshuffle: We are 2 minutes into 4 minutes of injury time – Sarpong Asiedu

It is for this reason that some critics are wondering the objective of the reshuffle. They have described it variously as “Too little too late”, “election shuffle”, “injury time remix” and 2 minutes to 4 4 minutes extra time.”

Minority describes cabinet reshuffle as ‘injury time remix’

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