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Top Ghanaian parliamentarian advises club owners to vote out Kurt Okraku to save dwindling fortunes of Ghana football — Ghana Sports Online

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Ghana U23’s elimination from the 2024 Olympic Games qualification series has left many Ghanaians disappointed causing many to call for change of leadership at the GFA, the football regulatory body of the West African nation.

Kurt Okraku, the President of the Ghana Football Association – GFA, has failed to restore football in the country back to its glory after being voted into power almost 4 years ago.

However, the ex-Dreams FC bankroller has insisted that he has overachieved in his first-term as the leader of the GFA.

While, none of Ghana’s national teams have impressed at any major tournament in the last 16 months, Ghana’s female U17 side – the Black Maidens, have been banned for 2 CAF and FIFA tournaments after being found guilty of fielding overaged players.

The West African powerhouse were also fined $100,000 for committing the offences which is heavily frowned upon by the laws of FIFA.

Angry reactions reached the highest crescendos after Ghana’s U23 side were eliminated from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games qualification series in Morocco.

After the team’s disappointing outing against Morocco and Guinea, Ghanaian influencers from all walks of life including ex-players and top television personalities have added their voices to the sorry state of Ghana football under Kurt Okraku.

And, the Vice Chairperson of the Youth, Sports and Culture Committee of Parliament Eugene Boakye Antwi is convinced a change of leadership is necessary at the Ghana Football Association to to save the dwindling fortunes of the sport in the country.

“The way forward is that there has to be a massive shakeup at the GFA. The narrative out there about the operations of the FA is not reassuring. You may have an interest but dictating to coaches which players to field among other things,” he told Accra-based Citi FM.

“If these rumours are true then I am really afraid for the future of our football,” he added.

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