Home Entertainment Tuson Jewell Starts GoFundMe to Raise $20k for A Car After Ari...

Tuson Jewell Starts GoFundMe to Raise $20k for A Car After Ari Fletcher Betrayal

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Influencer and television personality Tuson Jewell of the Impact Atalanta fame has started a GoFundMe to raise $20,000 to fund the purchase of a car following a ‘betrayal’ by Ari Fletcher.

Tuson claims this drastic step has been necessitated by the failure of Ari Fletcher, the star of the BET reality show, to fulfill a pledge of gifting him, her ‘bestie’, the amount despite being filmed receiving the $20k check for his birthday.

Recollect that Jewell received a very public gesture of love and support from bestie Ari for his birthday and it was all filmed. He was presented with a check for $20,000 and was overcome by emotion over the gift, thanking Fletcher from the bottom of his heart.

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According to him, after the cameras stopped rolling he has yet to see a cent of that amount. He said the check he was presented was a dud and when he messaged Ari about the amount, she replied that ‘she has a disclaimer’.

Jewell said following that enquiry he received a call that he will be given only $10,000 but that Ari did not tell him the truth prior to filming because they wanted a bigger reaction out of him for the cameras.

Tuson Jewell says up till now he has received zero dollars from the promised amount, leading him to start a GoFundMe to raise the money because he needs it for a down payment on a car.

“I never thought I’d be in this position, but I’m reaching out for help after a heartbreaking betrayal. My “best friend” promised me $20,000 for a down payment on a car as a birthday gift. Trusting her completely, I went ahead with the start of the car purchase, only to have her not give me anything,” he wrote on his GoFundMe.

The GoFundMe post was shared on Instagram by the Shade Room and generated some interesting reactions.


“The nerve of people. I’m lost and totally confused. What is wrong with this generation. And how is this anyones else’s responsibility . You need to get a car you can afford. Boy bye,” one reaction to the post read.

Another said; “Why would you make a purchase like that when you don’t even have that kind of money yourself?”

Meanwhile, the latest post on Ari’s Instagram has also been bombarded with comments from people calling on her to give Tuson his money!

Tuson also shared the GoFundMepost on Instagram, insisting he will not be silenced and promising the release of a track, “Lie 2 you”, on Friday to tell his side of the story. This has led to some speculation that all of this nonense is a play for clout to help his career.

Who is Tuson Jewell?

tuson jewell

Tuson Jewell is an American social media influencer, rapper and television personality.

He is most known for appearing on the second season of The Impact Atlanta on BET alongside Dess Dior, Lakeyah, Arrogant Tae, and Ari Fletcher. Tuson was introduced as Arrogant Tae’s assistant and Ari’s ‘bestie’.

Jewell’s main passion is rapping and he has released the EP, Crown Jewell. He also owns the luxury hookah brand, Rare Smoke.

A native of Detroit, Michigan, he started rapping as a child, releasing his first album ‘What’s My Name’ aged 10.


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