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We Have Not Endorsed Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh As Running Mate – Ashanti NPP Youth Organisers | Politics

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The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Ashanti youth oganisers have clarified their stance amidst rumors circulating about their endorsement of Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh as a potential running mate for the party.

Dismissing the claims as misrepresentative of the broader sentiments within the region, the organisers emphasized the importance of democratic processes within the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to Article 12 (b) of the NPP’s Constitution, the selection of the vice-presidential candidate lies within the prerogative of the presidential candidate, in consultation with the National Council.

The organisers underscored that it is not the mandate of youth organisers to exert undue influence on such decisions, stressing the need for democratic principles to prevail.

“It’s important to clarify that this assertion does not accurately represent the sentiments of the majority of youth organisers in the Ashanti Region,” the organisers stated firmly, addressing the misconception surrounding Dr. Prempeh’s alleged endorsement.

Furthermore, the organisers outlined the qualities they believe are essential in a vice-presidential candidate, emphasizing traits such as humility, respect across all sectors, national appeal, and widespread popularity among Ghanaians.

“To ensure maximum support from party members and the Ghanaian populace, it is paramount for our party’s leadership to consider a candidate who embodies these qualities,” they urged.

Below is the press statement

We Have Not Endorsed Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh as Running Mate; Ashanti Youth Organisers

We wish to address the recent press statement regarding alleged widespread support for Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh for the position of running mate. It’s important to clarify that this assertion does not accurately represent the sentiments of the majority of youth organisers in the Ashanti Region. The purported endorsement merely reflects the views of a few individuals and does not speak on behalf of the broader Youth Organisers or their Constituency.

Article 12 (b) of the Constitution of the New Patriotic Party provides that, the selection of the vice-presidential candidate rests with the Presidential Candidate, in consultation with the National Council of the party. It is not within the mandate of youth organisers to exert pressure, whether directly or indirectly, on the Presidential Candidate regarding the choice of a running mate. Such actions would constitute undue influence and run counter to the democratic principles of our party.

To ensure maximum support from party members and the Ghanaian populace, it is paramount for our party’s leadership to consider a candidate who embodies humility, commands respect across all sectors, possesses national appeal, and is widely liked by the majority of Ghanaians before finalising the choice of a vice-presidential candidate.

We urge all members of our party to extend their support and prayers to the presidential candidate through prayers and encouragement as they deliberate on selecting a suitable vice-presidential candidate. Let us collectively uphold the democratic values of our party and strive towards unity in preparation for the upcoming elections.


Nana Sarpong
Youth Organiser, Kumawu

Boitey Kwasi Dickson
Youth Organiser, Juaben

Gideon Okyere Darko
Youth Organizer, Offinso North

Prince Boateng
Youth Organiser,Bosomtwi

Duggan Bright
Youth Organizer, New Edubiase

Bright Nyampong
Youth Organizer, Obuase West

Source: Peacefmonline.com



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