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Why not share your GTP with Akufo Addo – OB Amponsah tells Alan Cash

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Comedian OB Amponsah does not understand why Mr. Alan Kyerematen will keep his ideas away from his own government while Ghanaians keep suffering.

Mr. Kyerematen launched his presidential bid on Tuesday, January 10, offering what he calls his “Great Transformational Plans (GTP) aimed at transforming Ghana.

He acknowledged certain flaws in the Ghanaian economy, and promised to bring a better leadership.

He also cited Ghana’s seventeen (17) IMF bailouts, indicating that his GTP will save Ghana from returning to IMF when elected President.

“This is the seventeenth time that we have gone to the IMF over the last 57 years. We promised never to go back, but we have gone back. One of the lessons that we have learned from the recent developments is that Ghana’s economy is still fragile, vulnerable, and susceptible to both external and domestic shocks,” he started.

According to him, “This because the economy is highly dependent on the export of commodities with little or no value addition. Indeed, the 5.1% projected GDP growth for the Ghanaian economy for 2023 is based on the anticipated increase in commodity prices.”

He added, “Ghana will need a NEW PLAN. A Plan that will lead us to a more self-reliant and resilient economy. That Plan must move Ghana from Stability and Growth to Transformation.”

“To achieve this strategic goal of transforming our dear country to become the shining star of the new Africa, I will as President, launch and lead the execution of the Great Transformational Plan (GTP) of Ghana, which will span the period 2025–2030,” he stressed.

In response, the comedian asked if Alan had issues with the President and wondered why his ideas had been kept away from the government.

“Nana Addo and the NPP have about 2 years more. Why doesn’t Alan Kyeremanteng share his GTP plan with Addo Dee to help transform Ghana now? Or they are not friends like that?” read his tweet dated Wednesday, January 11.

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